Of Hope, Despair and Collective Action

In the grip of frenzy and febrile chaos for the past so manydays, Kashmir saw some glimmer of hope, some flicker of salvation in the unitedfront put up by the mainstream leaders last evening. A commendable initiativeit sent out a strong message that Kashmir will be defended, its identitysafeguarded and its integrity protected under all circumstances. It alsounderscored the fact that the idea of India will only survive in Kashmir if theIdea of Kashmir is honoured, retained and upheld. Nothing would’ve sent out amore potent message to New Delhi than this compelling show of unity amongstKashmir’s mainstream leadership – but for a major gap, a major chink in thearmour – any representation on the part of the Grand Old party wasconspicuously absent!

But does it really come as a surprise, an aberration – anunmet expectation? Honestly – NO. Isn’t this the traditional modus operandi ofthe Grand old Party, their inherent way of functioning, an everyday leaf fromtheir political playbook – Missing in action when needed the most, in hidingwen Kashmir is calling – Always. Modern day Nero continue to fiddle as Kashmirburns. Remember the flight/desertion post 1989, the Gulmarg vacationing in 2010and now the Delhi Sojourn in 2019. Why did the Senior Abdullah not accompanythe Mainstream delegation to the Governor last night – or even appoint arepresentative for the same. What was the Junior Abdullah doing staying back inDelhi when the entire Kashmir was mired in fear and uncertainty? Are theyreally above the rest of us? Do they have no political, leave aside moralresponsibility towards us? Is this their commitment towards us when faced withone of the most dire existential threats to our existence, our identity and ourvery way of life as we know it?


Also, what was the purpose of the Solo dash to meet thePrime Minister a day earlier. Wouldn’t a more unified delegation of the entireMainstream – a pooling of their cumulative influence have sent  a more powerful and determined message to thePrime Minister. Wasn’t the timing wrong – a day after Dr Farooq Abdullah wasquestioned by the ED for his role in a massive corruption scam. Didn’t it implya position of weakness, subservience. Could we as Kashmiri’s afford such adifferential parity of power where our representatives so evidently displayedsuch servitude of posturing, especially at this crucial juncture of ourhistory.  Couldn’t thisbrownie-point-scoring have waited. This Personal trumping the collective beavoided for the time being. Alas it’s but a repetition of History!  In desperation in 1996 New Delhi had promisedthe “Sky is the limit”, a time when New Delhi was feeling the crunch theKashmiris had a powerful opportunity of extracting some concessions, some form ofincreased empowerment, autonomy. The need of the hour was a unified front andresistance by the collective leadership – an objective almost met but for thedefection by the Grand Old party in its eagerness to fight elections andacquire power. Subsequently power it did assume but at what Kashmiri Nationalcost? The pattern seems in play all over again today. When a powerfulcollective leadership was the need of the hour to unequivocally convince Delhifor a course correction, NC once again broke ranks. It once again robbed theKashmiri nation of “Advantage Kashmir”. But will we be able to survive thisbout of unquenched lust for power on behalf of the Abdullah’s, this time round?More importantly should they be allowed to get away with it?    

A legacy of structural flaws in our political system basedon patronage and institutionalised meddling, exacerbated by an increasinglydefeatist poll boycott, has played havoc with our everyday lives and nationaldignity. We have been left at the mercy of inflated egos and misplacedentitlement where we accrue no sort of accountability or answerability.Bartered like cattle since 1947 (1939 actually) at the receiving end ofcompromises and suppressive laws enacted by our very own – our so-called tallleader(s), this cycle of disrobing servitude needs to break. We need to empowerourselves and make ourselves be counted and strongly signal we will not besacrificed at the altar of grotesque ambition or vulgar oligarchy. No amount ofcover up will work – the lines have been drawn, You are either “With Us or againstUs”. Last night has unequivocally placed each player at their respective sideof the divide.  

The Grand Old party can continue enacting its historicalrole and character the rest of us will fight tooth and nail for our identity,our way of life and above all our coveted consciousness of Kashmiriyat.

(The author is an political commentator and works as anIndependent consultant with international organisation. The views expressed arepersonal and have nothing to do with the institution he represents.)

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