SDH Kupwara has 1 room for dental section

Lack of basic dental procedures at sub-district hospital Kupwara is forcing local patients to visit private clinics or else travel a 100 km distance to reach Dental College Srinagar for treatment.

The locals said the non-availability of the basic dentalprocedures at the SDH Kupwara has hit the healthcare in the hospital. “Even fora simple X-ray of tooth we have to get it done in the private,” said AshrafAhmad, a local resident.

The dental section at the hospital is located in a singleroom.

“Facing dental ailment, I went to this hospital. Aftercursory examination, the doctor advised a root canal treatment but said that Ihad to do it privately or at dental hospital Srinagar as in this hospital doesnot have this facility,” he said.

 “I cannot afford togo to a private clinic for RCT, Ashraf, who is a farmer. 

At least 60 patients visit the dental section every day.”Due to the space shortage we hardly manage the flow of patients which directlyhits patients care; many procedures are not done here as we don’t have thesufficient space,” said Dr Shameem Ahmad.

He said they have only two chairs in the section. “YesterdayI was extracting a tooth of a patient and his attendant went unconscious. Ifhere we could have separate waiting room, the procedures could be done moreeasily,” he said.

The patients having the need of tooth replacement or RCTonly get medicine for the hospital. “For these dental procedures they have tovisit either to private clinics or go to Srinagar dental hospital,” he said.

The residents appealed to the government to look into theissue.

When contacted, Block Medical Officer Kupwara Dr ZaffarAhmad said there was space issue in the section. “The under-constructionbuilding of SDH Kupwara is near completion. Once it is handed over to hospitalauthorities, space will be provided to the dental section,” he said.

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