Year on, traffic signal system in Baramulla yet to run

Traffic signals installed in Baramulla town a year ago have yet to be made operational.

The traffic signal system was installed to address issuesrelating to traffic management  in thetown. “However, despite spending lakhs of rupees on its installation, it hasnot been put to use,” locals said.

Sources said, following frequent traffic jams in the town,the Municipal Council Baramulla installed traffic signals at three places inthe town in 2018. “The total expenditure incurred on these signals was Rs 33lakh,” sources said.

However, sources said, the traffic signals were installedwithout “properly carrying out any survey”.

“No ground work was done before installing the system. Theauthorities should have first expanded the road width and then installed thesystem,” said an official in Baramulla town.

However, many locals said the by making the signal systemoperation, the traffic could be eased. “Had the traffic signal been put to use, the traffic could have beenregulated to a great extent in the town,” said Showkat Ahmad, a local resident.

The executive officer Municipal Council Baramulla said hehas joined the Baramulla Municipal council recently. “However, it looks that noproper exercise has been carried out before its installation.”

He added: “First of all what we require here is a carparking slot in the area. Besides, the road expansion is important. We arelooking into the matter and soon we will come with some solution to the(traffic) problem.”

Deputy commissioner Baramulla, Dr G N Itoo, said, “We willbe soon conducting a meeting with the officials concerned to ascertain the reasonin delaying the operationalisation of the traffic signal system.”

 “We are deeplyconcerned about the proper traffic management in the town. I have called ameeting in connection with the smooth functioning of the traffic movement.Besides, I have asked the concern officials to explain the reason for thenon-operation of traffic signal system,” said the DC said.

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