Work remains incomplete for over 7 years on Panjnara PHC building in Rajouri

Rajouri: The residents of Panjnara village area of Kotranka sub division in Rajouri have called for a probe to fix responsibility for the reasons behind delay in completion of work for construction of primary health center building in the area.

Locals said that a Primary Health Center was sanctioned for the village which is being run through temporary arrangements and this vital health institution catering to needs of thousands of people has no building of its own.

“This is a vital health institution as it caters healthcare needs of thousands of people from Panjnara, Phalni and other adjoining villages but the Government has failed to construct the building of this center even after seven years of starting work,” said Khursheed Ahmed, a local resident. Locals said that building work is almost half complete, but the remaining part “ is pending and there seems no ray of hope as the work is lying suspended for a long time.”

“We have knocked at all the doors with requests to get the work started without any result. There is no development and work is still hanging midway,” locals said.

Officials said that the work for the construction of the building of PHC Panjnara was started in 2016 and half of the work is complete, but the remaining portion is pending.

“Roads and Buildings (Public Works Department) is the nodal agency for construction of this building which will then be handed over to the health department for further use,” said officials. The matter regarding the delay in the completion of this building has been taken up by officials of the health department with officials of both PWD and civil administration and this has also been reflected in project reports.

On being contacted Block Medical Officer Kandi, Dr. Iqbal Malik, said that work on building of New Type Primary Health Center Panjnara is going on from last seven years.

“Presently our institution is working from a rented accommodation,” said BMO.

Regarding the new building, he said that this “is a two-storey building with ground storey near completion while work on the upper storey is underway.”

“Recently villagers from the area raised concern on inordinate delay in completion of work and on poor quality of work. I also visited the site and have submitted my report to higher authorities,” said BMO.

Regarding allegations of poor quality of work, BMO said that all “things are mentioned in the report which cannot be shared with the media at this point of time.”

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