IAS officers asked to file online IPRs

Jammu and Kashmir government on Tuesday asked all Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers to file their Immovable Property Return (IPR) electronically.

According to a circular number 25-GAD of 2019, dated April23, 2019, department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, PublicGrievances and Pensions, Government of India vide D.O. No.6 (l)/2014-EO (PR)dated 4th December, 2018, has referred to Rule 16(2) of AIS (Conduct) Rules,1968 which entails that every member of the service to submit annual ImmovableProperty Return (IPR) by 31st January of the next year, failure whereofconstitutes good and sufficient reason for institution of disciplinary proceedings.

The circular reads that an online module has been introducedwith effect from 1 January, 2017 in respect of IAS officers for online filingof IPR, through which every IAS officer can submit his IPR eitherelectronically or upload scanned copy of the manually filled in IPR.

This online module closes automatically after the prescribedtimeline of 31 January of every year in respect of the filing of IPR ofpreceding year.

The government has been observed that some IAS officers ofthe state cadre have not submitted their IPRs for the year 2018 electronicallybut have submitted hard copy manually in the General Administration Department,the order stated.

It said that the IAS officers have to necessarily file IPRselectronically as there is no provision for submission of IPRs manually. Thetimely submission of IPRs, has assumed significance as in terms of DoPTinstructions late submission of IPR results in denial of Vigilance clearance.

The IAS officers working in connection with the affairs ofthe Jammu and Kashmir State are accordingly advised to observe the aboveinstructions in letter & spirit.

These instructions have been uploaded on GAD website www.ikqad.nic.in.

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