Shift Malik to Srinagar for treatment: Hakeem Yaseen to Govt

Chairman of Peoples Democratic Front (PDF )Hakeem Yaseen has expressed serious concern over deteriorating health of JKLF chief Muhammad  Yasin Malik and has demanded his shifting  from  New Delhi to Srinagar immediately.

In a statement Hakeem said that reports about his fastfailing health of Malik are a major cause of concern and deeply worrying forthe people of the state.

He said, “In democracy every group or individual has a rightto express his will and vouch his ideology. It does not behoove well for a bigdemocratic country like India to throttle voice of the people by resorting tosuch tactics.”

He said, “Centre should try to win hearts and minds ofKashmiris instead of victimizing them. It would only add to the alreadyprevailing alienation among them. Center should explore ways and means toinitiate a meaningful dialogue process with the Hurriyat leadership so as to restorepeace in troubled state.”

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