Youth planning to join militancy held in Ganderbal, handed over to parents after counselling: Police

Police in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district have apprehended a youth who was planning to join militancy, officials said on Thursday.

“Ganderbal Police on inputs from Military Intelligence and other agencies apprehended one local youth namely Umar Nazir sheikh s/o Nazir Ahmad R/O Ganderbal, Age 22. The youth was put to brief questioning. During questioning and upon verifying his social media outlook especially on WhatsApp and Telegram, he was in constant touch with some suspects in Bandipora and Pulwama and had developed tendency to join militancy,” said a police spokesman, in a statement.

He said the youth was properly counselled by SSP Ganderbal Khalil Ahmad Poswal and other experts in presence of his parents and later he has been handed over to his parents.

“His parents expressed their gratitude to police for this gesture and thanked Ganderbal Police for saving their beloved one early before his life gets ruined,” said the spokesman.

SSP Ganderbal said: “ANE operatives from across the border are preying gullible Kashmiri youth on various social media platforms and enticing them to joining militancy which needs to be curbed. He further said that parents should come forward and report any such activity of their wards so that they are mainstreamed through concerted counselling by experts.”

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