Editorial| People need to be educated

Winters bring lots of problems for the people in a region like Kashmir but some sections of our population are more vulnerable in this cold period. Since the coldest season starts from today, and in this forty day long period the temperature dips considerably below zero, the life of an ordinary person has to undergo many changes. At the level of family many changes are made in the pattern of living and there are many costs that such changes entail. From as simple a thing as clothing, the changes happen in every detail of day to day living. All this is done to secure the body from extreme cold that grips us. But despite all this, there are hazards that we have to face. And in this the elderly people are faced with more problems than others. They are more prone to health risks and we need to take care of them during these months of extreme cold. In the developed part of the world there are systems in place that monitor things, and take special care for the health needs of the elderly population. But unfortunately we are not so developed here, and our systems are not that efficient. In absence of a robust healthcare system that is specifically meant for older people what the government can do, and must do, is to undertake a serious sensitisation campaign to educate people in this regard. That way we can minimise the chances of ailments and accidents. Although we have many doctors, and sometimes the health department, issuing guidelines on how we should manage ourselves during winters, but that is no where near the level of requirement. It is not just about heart attacks and fractures that we need to educate people. There is a range of diseases that can strike the elderly people in this cold season. Add to it the pandemic related problems. So the need of the hour is to educate people comprehensively about how to safeguard elders in the family. And in case there is a complication, how to deal with that, and how to avail the services that are in place in an efficient way.  

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