‘STOP!’ bombing, killing in Syria’s Idlib: Trump

US President Donald Trump on Sunday told Syria and Russia tostop “bombing the hell” out of Syria’s last jihadist strongholdIdlib.

“Hearing word that Russia, Syria and, to a lesserextent, Iran, are bombing the hell out of Idlib Province in Syria, andindiscriminately killing many innocent civilians. The World is watching thisbutchery. What is the purpose, what will it get you? STOP!” he said onTwitter shortly before he was to depart for a state visit to Britain.

His comments came after Syrian NGOs on Friday decriedinternational inaction in the face of mounting violence in the northwesternregion.

As well as killing dozens of civilians, the recentbombardments by Syrian and Russian forces in northwest Syria have pushed 300,000people towards Turkey’s border, the NGOs said at a press conference inIstanbul.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Friday thatalmost 950 people had been killed in the latest clashes in Idlib.

A September deal was supposed to avert a full-out regimeoffensive on the province and adjacent areas held by Syria’s former Al-Qaedaaffiliate Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

But the jihadists have refused to leave the area, and thedeal is on the verge of collapse as Syrian and Russian forces allied to Syria’sPresident Bashar al-Assad ramp up air strikes and rocket fire.

Iranian fighters and Hezbollah paramilitary forces are alsostationed in Syria to back the Assad regime.

The worsening unrest in Idlib comes with tensions soaringbetween Iran and the United States.

The stand-off has been simmering since the US last yearwithdrew from the 2015 nuclear treaty Iran reached with major world powers.

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