Back to Village-2: Panchayati Raj taking roots in J&K, says LG Murmu

Lieutenant Governor, Girish Chandra Murmu, Wednesday visited Panchayat Dheerti of block Panthal of Reasi district to get a first-hand experience of the ongoing Back to Village-2 programme here.

BVR Subrahmanyam, Chief Secretary, Sanjeev Verma, DivisionalCommissioner Jammu, Indu Kanwal Chib, Deputy Commissioner, Reasi, SSP ReasiRashmi Wazir and various district officers, Panchayat representatives and localswere present on the occasion.

In his remarks, the Lt. Governor observed that thePanchayati Raj system is finally taking roots in Jammu and Kashmir and calledupon the people to come forward with enthusiasm and actively participate inGram Sabhas to identify the development issues, report them at the appropriateforum and supervise the execution on ground, thereby strengthening Panchayatsin true sense.

The Lt. Governor highlighted the important role oforganising awareness campaigns to sensitize people about various welfareschemes being run by the Government. He further said that the Government hasrolled out an effective mechanism for the completion of languishing projects ina stipulated time frame.

 Speaking onsustainable development, the Lt. Governor emphasized on adopting scientificapproach while executing development projects in J&K with special focus tobe laid on protecting forests and other natural resources.

The Lt. Governor informed that the Union Government is goingto launch “HarGharJal”, an ambitious scheme, which would ensure supply oftapped water to every household of the country.

While speaking on the occasion, BVR Subrahmanyam, Chief Secretarysaid that strong efforts have been put in to strengthen Panchayati Raj systemin J&K as a result of which J&K has emerged with one of the most”forward-looking” Panchayati Raj systems in the country.

Earlier, the Lt. Governor laid the foundation stone of theboundary wall of Government Middle School Moori under Back to Village programmein convergence with MGNREGA. The Lt. Governor and the Chief Secretary alsoplanted tree saplings in the school compound.

The Lt. Governor also assured that all the genuine demandsand issues put forth by the public and Panchayat representatives during theprogramme would be looked into meticulously by the Government and redressed atthe earliest. In addition, an extensive follow up on the previous phase of B2Vprogramme would be done, so as to address all the genuine development relatedand other needs of the people and make concerted efforts to fulfil them all, headded.

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