‘22 Jammu and Kashmir residents imprisoned in six countries’

At least 22 people from J&K are lodged in jails outside India, The Minister of State for Ministry of External Affairs V Muraleedharan told the Parliament on Thursday.

“As on July 15, 2019, thenumber of residents of Jammu and Kashmir in foreign jails is 22,” the Minstersaid in reply to a written question of National Conference MP, Hasnain Masoodi.

Replyingto another question from the NC Parliamentarian, the Minister said owing tostrong privacy laws prevailing in many countries, the local authorities do notshare information on prisoners unless the person concerned consents to thedisclosure of such information.

“Even countries which shareinformation do not generally provide detailed information about the people offoreign countries imprisoned,” the Minister said.

However as per the replythe highest number of persons, 11 are imprisoned in Saudi Arabia followed byseven in Pakistan and one each in Cyprus, China, Cambodia and Bangladesh.

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