‘SKIMS doctors stood turbulent times’

Advisor to Lieutenant Governor J&K, Farooq Khan on Thursday said that SKIMS doctors stood turbulent times and performed their duties with professionalism to save precious human lives.

 “My association with this institution goes to1990s when I was posted in the Valley,” said Khan on the 37th annual day of SKInstitute of Medical Sciences here.

He said, “This is aninstitution which gave pride to all the residents of Jammu and Kashmir andLadakh. We could proudly say in Delhi that we also have an institution ofhighest standard which is providing all kind of healthcare facilities toJ&K residents.”

“Even during thedays when Kashmir was in turmoil professionals working in this institution keptthe flag of this institution very high,” stated Khan.

Recalling theincident when former bureaucrat, who served in J&K in various capacities,Wajahat Habibullah, had met with an accident, Khan said, “When I was posted inSrinagar in 1990, Mr Wajahat Habibullah met with an accident. Incidentally, Iwas the one who took him out of his car. Rushed him to nearby Army hospital,where from he was immediately rushed to SKIMS. When I was shifting MrHabibullah from Army hospital, God forbid I had already declared him dead.”

Khan said when hewent to SKIMS after three days to see Habibullah he could see him (Habibullah)speaking and he was conscious.

Lauding the SKIMSdoctors, who had attended to Habibullah at that time, Khan said: “When somebodyin the administration pressed the SKIMS doctors to refer him to Delhi theystood their ground and refused to shift him. I salute them. He was finallyshifted but I personally believe that Mr Habibullah’s life was saved byprofessionals at SKIMS.” 


Khan said during90’s SKIMS doctors despite being “ill-treated” at their hospital by “unwantedguests” performed their duties with full dedication and sincerity.   

“I personally knowthat during turbulent 90’s, institute (SKIMS) was affected very badly. Most ofyou who were there in 90’s may recall who used to run the institution. It wasnot the Director SKIMS. Some unwanted guest sitting in one of your rooms usedto virtually run the show,” said Khan.

“SKIMS professionalswere maltreated, they were harassed, but they continued to perform theirduties. That tells you about fabulous work their teachers have done, who had trainedthem,” said Khan.

Khan said, “I prayto God to shower choicest blessings on all of you. And enable you to performyour duties, which Allah subhanwatalh has bestowed upon you. On this occasion Iwant to pay tributes to tallest of the J&K leaders late Sheikh MuhammadAbdullah who not only conceived this project, but also ensured that it isestablished and starts functioning. All of us owe a lot to him.”


Speaking on theoccasion, SKIMS Director Dr A H Ahanger said the reason for creation of SKIMSwas to build a hospital for the people of J&K, particularly for those whocould not afford their treatment in outside places. 

“People at that timehad to go to AIIMS Delhi or PGI Chandigarh,” said Dr Ahanger.

He said, “But todayI must tell you that SKIMS for Kashmiri people is AIIMS and PGI. It is thehousehold name. And who doesn’t want to come to SKIMS, it is not only forconsultation but also for its beauty”.

He said SKIMS is a”brand name not only in J&K but all over the country”.

Paying tributes tothe founder of SKIMS, late Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah, Dr Ahanger said: “Late Abdullah gave his own property to beginwith. And then everybody from J&K contributed in what it is today.”

He added quality ofresearch work conducted by the doctors at the institute is “unparalleled”,which is why it is frequently getting published in prestigious journals likeNew England journal of medicine and Lancet.

Dr D NageshwarReddy, a world-renowned gastroenterologist, currently, Head of GE Division atAsian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad delivered “Sher-i-KashmirOration’ in which he sketched the journey of the Institute and its contributionin four decades of service.

On the occasion, DrAK Nagpal, the founder Director of SKIMS, was conferred ‘Lifetime AchievementAward.’ for his pivotal role in bringing SKIMS to what it stands at present.

Dean MedicalFaculty, Dr Omar Javid Shah and Principal SKIMS Medical College Bemina, DrReyaz Ahmad Untoo highlighted the academic and research activities of SKIMS.

Those present on theoccasion included Vice-Chancellor of KU, Prof Talat Ahmad, Commissioner, SMC,Principal GMCs, former Directors and Deans of SKIMS, present and superannuatedfaculty of SKIMS, SKIMS MC Bemina, SKIMS Nursing College, GMC Srinagar, GMCBaramulla and GMC Anantnag.

Besides a largenumber of medical and paramedical staff, and key functionaries of SKIMSattended the function.

Later awards werealso given to the faculty members to encourage SKIMS employees for furtherenhancing the services.


The project was conceptualized in 1976 by late Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah. Foundation of SKIMS was laid on 14 November 1977. It was made operational on 5 December 1982, while it was granted status of deemed university subsequently in 1983, with AK Nagpal as its project director.

SKIMS hospital was started with 250 beds in 1982 catering to 1000 patients a day. Now the hospital is catering to 20,000 patients in 24 hours. Currently, the institute has 900-bed capacity with requirement of 1000 beds still felt to cater to patient demand.

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