J&K Bank holds SLBC sub-committee meet on export promotion

J&K Bank as the convenor of the State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC) organised 10th sub-committee meet of SLBC on export promotion at the bank’s zonal office Jammu.

Bank’s executive presidentRK Chhibber chaired the meeting attended by the general manager RBI Jammu HKSoni, bank’s president/CFO Rakesh Gandotra, joint director industries &commerce Trishala Kumari besides bank’s vice president Arshad Hussain Dar,zonal head J&K Bank Sudhir Gupta and representatives from variousgovernment agencies, trade bodies and representatives from other banks.

All the issues related toextending liberal finance to exporters at concessional rate of interest werediscussed during the meeting, according to a J&K Bank statement.

Executive president RKChibber requested the banks and impressed upon them to provide the data to theSLBC secretariat with respect to the exports for more fruitful interaction infuture.

Speaking on the occasionand sharing his experience with other exporters and business community,president of J&K Walnut Exporters Association, Gagan Jain appreciated thework done by the banks, particularly J&K Bank, in extending variousfacilities to the exporters.

He, however, emphasisedthat the system and procedures need to be simplified in order to provide animpetus to the export industry in the state. He also stressed upon removing allthe bottlenecks and hindrances vis-a-vis importing the raw material in thestate from various places.

General Manager RBI HK Sonisuggested the banks to publicise the literacy material for the benefit of theexporter’s community and also advised the members to raise the issue atdifferent departments.He also advised the participants to bring in the RBINotice for any export related issues so as to resolve the general problems ofthe business community.

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