The Unsung Heroes of Covid-19

Most of thetimes, we waver in purpose or action. We have least, any idea about the choicesand situations that can push us into troubles. We might stagger and stumblewithout learning from our failures or mistakes. When we are saddled withdifficulties, only few have ingenuity and guts to find the solution. Only thosefew make an impact who observe, absorb, and act. They deserve to be heard,applauded and followed. They bring an assurance in us  to reaffirm ourbeliefs. They give us a reason to challenge the limitations. Challenges andcrises define our inner strength. Anything for which we toil hard to get, leavesan edible mark of our struggle. Those feats are always cherished andremembered. Success doesn’t mean to be rich but resourceful when by any smallor large means we add value in our society and bring the profound changes. Thatis what real men strive for. Nothing is so satisfying than working for thewelfare of others. They are doing it for their lord. Their hearts are at peaceand don’t need anyone’s approval or appreciation.

Life is fullof intimidating challenges. Sometimes we cannot help but have to dance with theunknown. We cannot be hardwired to resist them. Deep, deep down, we have to bevery strong to overcome the crises. It is the only way to make our existencemeaningful. Through challenges we grow and bloom otherwise an idle life isnothing but a burden on the earth. In the face of crises we have to stretchbeyond our limitations and ride these challenges to become glorious humanbeings. These are the times which define us. Our prosperity lies in reachingout to the deprived and down trodden. We have to take them along, otherwise ourwealth or worth is good for nothing, if it doesn’t serve anyone.

The dutiesthat we are supposed to perform shouldn’t in any way create a notion that weare doing any sort of  favors to others. We are being paid and paidsufficient to put  blood and sweat in our work. It is our professionalobligation to deliver. We have pledged to meet the expectations of our workassignments. Our work is our choice, so there are no Ifs and buts. What we aresupposed to do, we have to do it sincerely and seriously. We have to come outof fancy world. We are not doing any charity, we are being taken care of andgiven decent perks. Understand it’s tax payers money, value your work. Ain’tmany of us lucky to have a job in our hands when thousands of highly educatedunemployed people are moving from pillar to post. They are ready to compromiseon any menial job. Appreciate and be grateful for your blessings.

Right fromday one, our frontline warriors are engaged in desperate grapple with thepandemic covid-19 crises. They are doing a remarkable job. Almost everynewspaper is flooded with the struggling stories of these professionals who areat the risk. A lot has been written about these brave hearts but today my storyis not about doctors or DCs, mayor or municipality workers, press or police,professors or oara medics, teachers or tehsildars. It is about those personswho are doing their bit and carry on a noble mission and message. We shouldn’tfalter as well but to our own self awakening find a purpose in all thoseinspiring stories which always retain a spark and never fail to inspire us.

One suchname which always strikes my mind is Dr. Sajjad Wani who is a batch 2012 KASofficer. Teaching has always been his main forte. He is also an acephotographer who always strives for the excellence. Most of the aspirants whoare preparing for different JKSSB exams and other  competitions like UPSC,KAS, NT, NEET etc., are well familiar with his YouTube channel ‘GenesisAcademy’ .Being my senior colleague, I have known him from very close quarters.This young chief accounts officer is currently posted at Anantanag treasury. Itis highly appreciable to see how he strikes the balance between his officialwork and other pursuits. It is a herculean task to handle the treasuryoperations but still he could manage to prepare more than 100 videos ondifferent subjects for the students. It is not an easy task to maintain theconsistency for the finance professional like him to achieve such a feat. Thecurrent crises and concerns gave him impetus to help the aspirants who arestuck in covid lockdown. Well, let me, put it here, he is the most sought aftermentor for the guidance and reliable information. And it is inspiring to seethe aspirants are finding the direction and progressing towards theirgoals through his work.

On 23rdMarch, when the lockdown was announced, the major concern for the patients wasthe closure of clinics and OPDs. So as to ease off their sufferings and burdenon the doctors, Mr. Shakeel Khan M.Tech CSE (Dy.Register JKBOTE) and Mr. RameezRashid faculty computer Engineering at Govt polytechnic, Jammu, developedonline portal ‘Dr4U.COM‘ within two days.Around 30 doctors have volunteered their services. More than 250 patients arealready registered and benefitted. The follow ups, test reports are keyed foreach patient for future reference. It has been very helpful for the doctors tocreate and access the patient history by a single click. If all goes well, thesame modus operandi should be adopted and implemented across the valley. I amsure the efforts of these techies will go a long way.

Due to thescarcity of manpower and resources, it was not possible for the administrationto handle the situation all on it own. To augment the efforts of frontliners,Baseji Group of Anjum-e-Sharie Shiayan under the dynamic leadership of Aga SyedMohammed Hadi Al Mousavi came forward. He started Anti Covid 19 drive and thevolunteers of the group are active from the day one. They took the initiativeto provide the PPE kits to the doctors and paramedics at the CD Hospital andSKIIMS. PPE kits were also distributed to the ground workers in many districtsincluding Bandipora which has highest number of covid positive cases. Thesekits are well protective and dress material/design has been appreciated by oneand all. When the panic gripped the entire valley, they executed the sanitationdrive at a very large scale covering the far flung villages. From Budgam toBaramulla, door to door awareness and sanitation drive was done by thevolunteers. The quarantine facilitation centers were also arranged by thegroup. Thousands of food packets were distributed to the needy. The younginspiring leader Aga Syed Hadi Sahab is leading from the front. What betterthan this, we are seeing the exemplary display of unity between volunteersbelonging to different sects who are working together for the noble cause.

Hats off toall those who are contributing in their own significant or simple ways to fightthe covid-19. People might strive for rewards or recognitions but nothing ismore meaningful than what has been promised to us when we do it in the name of Allah( Fi Sabilillah). In those selfless services there is absolute abundance andbeauty. There is peace and purification of souls in those noble deeds. Let’sstrive hard for our salvation. Help others whatever little might be possiblefor us to do and take them along to sail through these somber times.

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