Friday Focus|Creation entails a purpose

It is enshrined that creation entails a definite purpose;the creation of universe was no fun or amusement:

”We did not create the sky and the earth and what isbetween them for amusement” (21:16)

The Holy Verse implies that creation of heavens and theearth and what lies in between that is the universe was no fun or an idle play,but entailed a great purpose. Nothing in universe happens, which may not beresult oriented. It is thus a serious business. Far from being an idle play, itis the pursuit of an ideal, which is striking a natural balance in all acts.Striking the natural balance extends to all acts—individual or societal forright results.

In the Holy Verse that follows, it is made out that hadamusement been the purpose, the universe could have been differently shaped, asit is within the divinity to do us, but it was not the intent, it was notwilled:

”If We wanted amusement, We could have found it within Us,were We to do so” (21:17)

The verse make it more emphatic that creation of universewas not meant to be an idle play, had that been the intent, it would have beenshaped differently from what it is in its present shape, where every movementhas a serious meaning.  The meaning isconveyed in the verse that follows, it sets the intent:

”In fact, We hurl the truth against falsehood, and itcrushes it, so it vanishes. Woe unto you, for what you describe” (21:18)

The verse implies a constant tussle between creative anddestructive forces. The creative forces shape as truth—the universal truthovercoming falsehood until it crushes it, so that falsehood—the negativityvanishes. That is indeed the purpose, and woe unto all those, who believeotherwise, which is of universe being a purposeless, idle spectacle. It israther the ideal spectacle of truth prevailing over falsehood, positivity overnegativity.

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