Advisor Skandan meets delegations

Advisor to Governor, K Skandan on Tuesday met scores ofpublic delegations and individuals during the public grievance redressal campheld here at Governor’s Grievance Cell, Church Lane.

Around 50 delegations and individuals from various districtsof Kashmir Division apprised the Advisor of their grievances and sought hisintervention in ensuring outcome-based disposal of their issues in a time-boundmanner.

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Baseer Ahmed Khan, directorIndustries & Commerce, Kashmir, Mahmood Ahmad Shah, joint director,Handicrafts, Sajid Yehaya Naqash and others were present during the camp.

In their meeting with the Advisor, a delegation from PHDchamber of commerce and Industries and other associations informed the Advisorabout various issues faced by people working in different sectors includingHorticulture, Agriculture, Carpet industry, Sericulture and other sectors withregards to the implementation of various schemes formulated by the stategovernment.

They informed him about certain financial projects which have already been approved but funds are yet to be released.

They requested the Advisor to intervene in this matter so that the schemes are implemented properly and there is timely disbursement of funds.

Various delegations of the artisans associated with variouscrafts informed him about various issues and demanded that this sector berevived which otherwise is on the verge of extinction.

The Advisor directed the divisional commissioner to organizea meeting with the artisans and analyze all the data with regards to theirmanpower, production, employment and other things and come up with a properplan about the initiatives to be taken by the administration for the bettermentof artisans.

A delegation of shopkeepers association located outsideShalimar Garden requested the Advisor for the construction of toilet facilityfor them. On the occasion, various other delegations which called upon AdvisorSkandan include Private Schools Association, Unemployed Bio-medical engineers,Employees of Agriculture Department, computer programmers from variousdepartments, JK Cement Association and others.

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