Electric wires pose threat to lives 

The residents of Government Housing Colony Ompura on theoutskirts of Srinagar are facing a precarious situation for the past couple ofmonths. The live electric wires often fall on the ground. The  electric wired running from pole to pole areold and have worn out. On top of it high voltage wires are running dangerouslyclose to each other, at times they touch or fall resulting in huge damage tohousehold electric appliances. Two sheep got electrocuted few days back insector-A, and many children had narrow escape. Few electric poles are in ahanging position and can fall anytime.


In view of above grave situation the Power DevelopmentDepartment (PDD) is requested to take serious note of it. Though we appreciatetheir field staff who promptly come and repair the wires but it is a temporaryarrangement. Kindly address the problem at the earliest to avoid any untowardhuman tragedy.

Residents of sector-A Through Arbaz Parray

Natipora residents seek CE’s intervention

We the residents of stadium colony Budshah Nagar NatiporaSrinagar urge the Chief Engineer Power Development Department (PDD) tointervene and direct the concerned officials to address the power crisis in ourarea. Every now and then jumper in our area gets burnt due to entire colonybeing dependent on one transformer. We request the Chief Engineer PDD to allotone more transformer for our colony so that we heave a sigh of relief.

Mohsin Muhammad

1-year on, NYCs volunteers await wages 

We the 5500 National Youth Corps(NYCs) volunteers were reengaged in April 2018 through Youth Services & Sports department. We weredeployed different departments i.e. Education, Sports Council, Revenue, SocialWelfare, Culture, Disaster Management, & Physical Education. We areperforming our duties since April 2018.But we are without salary from the dateof our re engagement. Our family is on edge. We urge the Commissioner SecretaryYSS & Director General YSS to release our long pending salary before Eid.

Malik Reyaz,Vilgam Kupwara

Address garbage crisis in Cantonment area

Heaps of garbage lying unattended in Sonwar and itsadjoining areas for the past one month has put a question mark over thefunctioning of Cantonment Board.

Possibility of epidemic breaking out is giving sleeplessnights to the residents. We the residents appeal the Cantonment Board anddistrict administration to intervene and save us. 


Khidmat centre owners urge Governor to help J&K Bank rehabilitate them   

Khidmat centres established by the J&K Bank from 2009 to2015 are facing existential crisis. We continue to wait for all those promisesto get fulfilled under which the Khidmat centres were established. We left thebest of other opportunities from time to time with the hope that the thingspromised will be delivered but nothing substantial has been done till date.

The J&K Bank has come to our rescue from time to timebut without any support from the Government. But with technologicaladvancements the Bank has to progress and to adopt innovation in its processesand reach. With the expansion of the J&K Bank and after adopting certaincreative aspects in its overall functioning, the jobs we were performing tilldate have started to lose their relevance and our remaining sources of survivalare under absolute threat.

After feeling complete insecurity we approached the J&KBank many times where we discussed with the Bank the existential threat we arefacing and the Bank while acknowledging our insecurities and miserableconditions in a series of meetings and discussions, has now assured us that itwould rehabilitate us by securing our future in an arrangement which shall bepermanent in nature where our dignified survival shall be guaranteed.

But the Bank has got certain apprehensions because of thefact that Khidmat Centres were initially established as Common Service Centresunder e-governance plan. And for a permanent and secure arrangement to work,the Bank needs a nod from the Government of Jammu and Kashmir to proceedfurther.

Once this moral support from the Government is provided theprocess of permanent settlement of Khidmat Centre professionals would begin, wethe owners of  Khidmat centres are goingto collectively withdraw from the Common Service Centre role and the ITdepartment/JAKEGA or any other concerned department/agency of the governmentwhether state of central shall be free from any of our demands.

Our careers, lives and the future of our families are atstake and we are suffering continuously and any delay in appreciating theJ&K Bank for being ready to take such a major step will aggravate thesituation.

Now when the J&K Bank is ready to explore a permanentarrangement on its own wisdom to rehabilitate all of us, the Government whichhas been till date a mere spectator should now offer a moral support to J&KBank to rehabilitate. 

We humbly request the Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya PalMalik to please direct all the concerned quarters in the government tocoordinate with the J&K Bank pro-actively so that the Bank couldrehabilitate us.

Khidmat centre owners

Doodh Ganga water supply scheme ailing 

Doodh Ganga water supply scheme Kralpora supplies drinkingwater to a huge population (8 lakh plus) in Rangreth, Humhama, Pir Bagh,Hyderpora , Parraypora , Rawalpora , Chanapora , Bagh-e-Mehtab , Mahjoor Nagar,Natipora , Rambagh, Batlamoo, Jawahar Nagar etc.

The water lifted at Kralpora plant is contaminated as hugeamount of solid and liquid waste get mixed with water of Doodh Ganga from Branwarto Barzulla via Chadoora. Mere chlorination cannot clean this water. We havebeen telling authorities to send a team of experts to see whether this water isfit for drinking purpose or not? We also filed a petition at State Human RightsCommission but got no respite. We have now sought intervention of Jammu andKashmir High Court.

The reason of rising liver and other gastro- intestinalailments even kidney diseases is linked to intake of unhygienic water, but whocares ?  Our conscience is dead now. Peopledon’t even question authorities what they are supplying to us?

Few STPs are urgently required so that liquid waste goinginto this river (nallah) can at least be treated? Solid waste generated aroundlocalities and villages located near Doodh Ganga right from Branwar to Barzulla(35 km stretch) should be cleared on regular basis by Rural Sanitation andMunicipal authorities.

 Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat

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