Govt says NIA bill in national interest, Congress calls it attempt to turn India into ‘police state’

The government asserted on Monday that a bill to broaden theNIA’s investigating powers is part of its policy of zero-tolerance againstterrorism and is in the national interest, as Lok Sabha took up a discussion onthe proposed legislation.

While Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy sought thesupport of all parties for the passage of the National Investigation Agency(Amendment) Bill, 2019, Manish Tewari of the Congress accused the government oftrying to turn India into a “police state”.

Reddy told the House that the new law will allow the NIA toprobe cases of terrorism targeting Indians and Indian assets abroad, and also empowerthe agency to investigate cases of arms and human trafficking besides thoselinked to cyber terrorism.

“We want to fight terrorism with zero tolerance andhave brought this bill in the national interest. I pray to all of you for itspassage,” he said.

The NIA was set up in 2009 in the wake of the Mumbai attackwhich had claimed 166 lives Tewari opposed the bill, saying probe agencies aremisused for “political vendetta” and “inspired media leaks”from them have turned the maxim of “innocent until proven guilty” onits head.

He also claimed that the constitutional validity of the NIAAct, which led to the investigation agency’s formation, is still not settled aspleas challenging its validity are pending in different courts.

Earlier, several opposition members, including N KPremachandran and Saugata Roy, questioned the government’s decision to push fora discussion amid the ongoing budget- related debates but Speaker Om Birlaruled that a debate can start.

Reddy said the NIA has been doing a good work and securedconviction in over 90 per cent of cases. It has so far registered 272 cases outof which judgement has been delivered in 52, he added.

Appropriate punishment to the accused at times is not metedout to criminals involved in human trafficking, he said, pitching for the NIAto probe these cases.

With terrorism having international dimensions, he said itis imperative that the NIA is empowered to probe incidents of terrorismtargeting Indians, the Indian embassy and other assets abroad.

Tewari said India’s founding fathers have given primacy tocivil liberties as they had seen that many criminal laws were brought in by theBritish to keep Indians suppressed.

When investigation agencies are seen as being misused forpolitical vendetta, then there is a fundamental problem with a bill that seeksto empower a probe body, he said. Tewari though added that his allegation isnot aimed at any particular government and is generic.

He also demanded a separation between investigation andprosecution wings for a fair probe.

He accused the government of seeking to turn the countryinto a police state, and said its ramifications will last beyond its tenure.

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