Dilapidated roads in Tral give tough time to thousands of people

Numerous roads in south Kashmir’s Tral sub-division of Pulwama district are in dilapidated condition, causing immense problems to thousands of people.

Despite being the main links of different villages with maintown, authorities have failed to undertake macadamization of these roads overpast many years.

Lalpora to Nagpathri road project which was initiated byPradhan Mantri Gram SadakYojana has turned into shambles. Another road fromPanzoo to Shajen has also turned worst and is not fit for driving. The roadtowards local tourist place Panner dam is also dilapidated since many years.Other roads lying in shambles include Lurgam- Shaldraman road, Dhobiwan toNaher and Lariyar to Chursoo. As per official details these roads are fallingunder the supervision of PMGSY and R&B departments.

Importantly, vast areas with population in thousands dependon these roads as they have no other road to connect with sub-districtheadquarter.

The inhabitants of these villages are up in arms againstgovernment and local administration for failing to macadamize these vitalroads.

Villagers said they are facing immense hardships owing todilapidated condition of these roads which connects them with main town andrest of the valley.

“The patients, women and students are suffering badly due tothis so called road as it remains filled with water at many places. During dryspell dust engulfs the whole village and during rains this road completelyturns into a muddy drain. It becomes impossible for people to walk on it,”said a local, Mohammad Shameem of Lurgam.

Another elderly man Abdul Salam said that every day officegoers, patients and students are the worst hit and they often reach theirdestinations late. “It takes us about half an hour to cross these four kilometresin a vehicle. Most of the transporters have stopped to drive on this roadcausing immense shortage of transport for this vast area,” he added.

Locals said the government’s tall claims of providing properroad connectivity to rural areas have proved a joke here as roads in thevillages are in a bad shape and have developed large potholes.

“The road is in such bad condition that the transportersoften refuse to ply their vehicles on this road, thereby adding to ourmiseries. We face immense hurdles to  takesick or pregnant woman to hospital,” said a villager, Mohammad Irfan ofLalpora.

Locals said that concerned authorities have turned blind eyetowards the matter and appealed the higher officials to look into the matter.

When contacted, assistant executive engineer Roads andBuildings (R&B) TralZahoor Ahmad told Greater Kashmir: “The project comesunder PMGSY and R&B. We have already planned to develop different roads invillages. The macadamization process on these roads will begin very soon.”

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