Rasheed-led PUF begins three day sit-in to demand tunnels for Karnah and Gurez

Former legislator Er Rasheed on Tuesday staged a sit-in nearCivil Secretariat here along with activists of Peoples United Front (PUF) todemand tunnels for Gurez and Karnah areas.

“People of Karnah, Gurez and other border areas have everyright to live with honour and dignity,” Er Rasheed said while addressingjournalists after launching the three-day sit-in. 

He said that the residents of Karnah and Gurez need tunnelsand not LoC shelling, Bofors guns, arms and ammunition.

“Every year precious lives are lost and the areas remain cutoff for months together in bad weather. While people on the other side of theLoC have better roads and other basic amenities but unfortunately people fromour side are living a miserable life. Government must wake up and listen to thesufferings of people of Gurez and Karnah,” he said.

Rasheed said that the protest was being held not only to askthe union government to take notice of miseries and misfortunes of people ofborder areas but the entire people of J&K must wake up and speak for peopleof Karnah and Gurez.

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