Governor directs release of last month’s pending wages and salaries during Ramadhan

Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik on Wednesdaydirected the finance department to release last month’s pending wages duringRamadhan.

“The issue of pending wages of casual/daily ratedworkers and other categories of employees in certain departments was brought tothe notice of the Governor during the meeting of the State AdministrativeCouncil (SAC) held today in Civil Secretariat, Srinagar. The Governor wasinformed that these workers have been put to hardship during the holy month ofRamadhan,” said an official spokesman.


The Governor has directed the release of last month’s wagesin respect of the casual/daily wagers and salaries of other categories ofemployees working in different departments who could not receive the same sofar. 

The Governor has asked the Advisors to oversee that wagesare released to these workers by their departments by 31.05.2019. The FinanceDepartment will issue necessary sanctions, wherever, required.

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