ACS led sub-committee to examine issues of Rehbar-e-Zirat

Jammu: A sub-committee led by Financial Commissioner (Additional Chief Secretary), Finance department will examine the issues related to Rehbar-i-Zirat, Rehbar-i-Janglat, Rehbar-i-Khel and similar schemes.

This sub-panel will scrutinise the engagements made under these schemes and will also study all the issues arising out of these engagements including current and future financial implications.

In this connection, the General Administration Department on Wednesday, in continuation to the government Order No. 294-GAD of 2020 dated February 27, 2020, accorded sanction to the constitution of an 8-member Sub-Committee with Financial Commissioner (Additional Chief Secretary), Finance Department as its chairman.

Besides the sub-committee will comprise Financial Commissioner (Additional Chief Secretary), Health and Medical Education department; Principal Secretary Youth Services and Sports department; Director General (Codes), Finance department; a representative each of the Agriculture Production and Farmers’ Welfare department; Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment; General Administration Department and the Department of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs (not below the rank of Additional Secretary) as its members.

The panel has come into being in the backdrop of criticism the government has stirred up following its move to disengage many contractual employees in different sectors in the recent past.

Recently on September 23, it had also abolished 234 supernumerary posts of Forest Guards created for the engagement of registered unemployed Forestry Graduates, DDRS and Postgraduates as ‘Rehbar-e-Janglat.’

Prior to it, the government had disengaged 918 helpers to supervisors in the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme of the Social Welfare Department.

“The terms of reference of the Sub-Committee shall be the same as envisaged in the government order No 294-GAD of 2020 dated February 27, 2020,” read the order issued by GAD Commissioner Manoj Kumar Dwivedi.

As per the terms of reference, the sub-committee will also examine the engagements made under Nehru Yuva Kendra. It will scrutinise the implications of these engagements on the regular organizational structure of these departments. To study and deliberate any other issue attendant to these schemes and suggest a comprehensive approach as necessary will also come under the mandate of this sub-committee.

Earlier, the government vide order number 294-GAD of 2020 dated February 27, 2020 had constituted a committee headed by the Chief Secretary to examine the issues related to these schemes.

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