Ensure strict adherence to deadlines of power projects to avoid cost escalation: Advisor Sharma to JKSPDC

Advisor to Governor KK Sharma on Wednesday called for making sustained efforts to fully tap the hydro-electric and other power generating sources to make the state self-sufficient in power generation.

He said such steps would open up employment opportunitiesand also address the power deficit of the state.

The Advisor was speaking at the Seventh (7th) meeting ofManagement and Finance Sub-Committee of Jammu Kashmir State Power DevelopmentCorporation (JKSPDC) here on Wednesday, an official handout said.

During the meeting, the MD, JKSPDC informed about thevarious ongoing projects and the PDC’s future road map.

The Advisor underscored the importance of all identifiedobjectives being achieved within envisaged time frames for the development ofhydropower in the state, keeping in view the immense potential of thissector.  He asked the MD to urgentlyidentify project-wise critical issues and personally ensure strict adherence tothe timelines of each project to avoid the cost escalation and generation lossdue to the traditional recurring delays in project execution.

The Advisor noted that the hydropower potential of J&K,if exploited to its fullest, shall enable all-round socio-economic growth anddevelopment and enhancement of the economy.

The Advisor directed that the Committee meetings should beheld at regular intervals to ensure timely decisions and to accelerate theprogress of project implementation.

He asked the Managing Director PDC to ensure that theCorporation’s internal systems is strengthened and streamlined to ensure thetimely approval of various power projects and the effective management of everyContract.

While discussing the issue of sale of power by JKSPDC, heimpressed upon the Corporation to develop in-house robust system to manage theintricacies of trading of power.

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