Timeless Truth

Moments flit. Months flutter. Time just flails on. Gradually. Pages of calendar and beats of clock signal us to life’s ephemeral saga.

We are born. Wegrow. We live. We wither. And we die. The story of life begins. And ends. Alongthe way, we step on varied experiences. The world teaches us lessons.

Season of joys andjitters; and hours of smiles and sighs—A slice of life purports an amazingmosaic… Some wonderfully meaningful memories and some agonizingly educativepain!

We re-learn many abitter truths. We de-learn many a nasty facts. We struggle to understand thebasic nuance: the life we have had.

Transition seems soagile. A hop over from one point to another so nimble—A child. Innocence. Ayoung. Frivolous. An adult. Shrewdness. An old. Wisdom. The Time brings inmyriad of surprises. Some tangible. Some subtle. Some inspiring. Some dreary.

We see people inblack and blue. We apprehend events in and out. We smell things good and bad.We counter situations gracing and humiliating. We recognize real and unreal. Wediscover relations true and false. We explore personalities deep and shallow.We feel emotions fervent and feeble. We capture realities easy and hard.

Time marks achange. In every aspect…However, ‘Time is a wealth of change, but the clock inits parody makes it mere change and no wealth’ (Tagore). The change becomesinevitable. Parody turns pitiless. We can’t see Time but it makes us seeeverything. This remains a timeless truth.

Calendar alsochanges. Its message changes. Its display changes. The days of holidays change.Months change. And so changes Life!

Somewhere deeper, agist of Life gathers meaning. Some reason to this strife called Life catches agreater purpose than a mere survival game. The Objective expands as everypassing moment calls us to good and better deeds for we never know what willhappen next.

Of course, lifeteases and taunts. At times, it appears as a hazy illusion fading before ourstare. We pull out all the stops to grapple clarity and give answers to ourvery own questions. Seldom answers come easily. We are meshed up in a whirlpoolof vulnerability….Fikhray Duniya Main Ser Khapata Hoon…

Each fleetingmoment and incident only adds upon the next, making it ever difficult to knowwhere truly we belong. Confused and exhausted, our vain search rarely bringssolitude and tranquility.

We know certainthings better. Certain we assume we know. And yet, certain we don’t know atall. A strange hauteur overtakes us foolishly. Over some span, we feel we arequite invincible. We gawk at harsh realities and mock at irrevocable fate oftime.

But eventually wefind ourselves inexorably heading towards the End, with each day dawning newexperiences on us. Steadily, we realize that we are living in a scary world andscary things happen every day, and we cannot be off the hook for our conduct.Someday, this will be we too, as it will be everyone else…Noah Ki Kishti KoDekhta Hoon, Hauz-i-Nadamet Mein Dooba Hua Hoon….

We take awkward anduneasy revelations of Life head-on. A huge collision that leaves us wonderingabout the inanity and futility of the trivialities we vigorously trap ourselvesin. Life has no choice but to scoff us before we sneer at it.

Bottomline: The calendar turns silent spectator. Every leaf rides over past, steps intrusively into Life beyond this life. The beats of clock unfold nonchalance. Every tick hurries to the World beyond this world. The shallowness but gets exposed. The meanings but get explicit.

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