The problem of water-logging

Water-logging continues to be a permanent problem on several dilapidated roads in Srinagar. The bad condition of roads and the consequent water-logging gives a tough time to commuters. Such roads are both in the Downtown and Uptown areas and lead to many traffic related problems, including jamming.

While the focus at national level, and local level in Jammu and Kashmir, is presently on better road connectivity and better roads, the condition of several roads in Srinagar city continues to be bad. According to  reports, local residents  have been bringing the matter into the notice of the concerned authorities but the issue remains unresolved. There is immediate need to solve this problem so that the commuters are not put to more trouble. 

Such roads must be identified and accordingly the process for necessary repairs should be initiated. A number of roads have big potholes hampering the smooth movement of traffic. Even if the condition of some other roads is better, the water logging problem creates mess during rains. The concerned authorities must see to it as to why this problem occurs whenever there are rains.

The roads continue to remain water logged for long. If there is a drainage related problem, it too must be taken care of. Waterlogged roads in Srinagar during rains is a major problem in some areas. Even some important places get affected by it, hampering not only the vehicular traffic movement but also the pedestrians’ movement. The business gets affected in the  markets. While the Srinagar Smart City Projects are underway, the authorities must pay attention towards the dilapidated and waterlogged roads on a priority. 

The dilapidated and water logged roads are not good for the image of the city. While efforts are being made for improving the condition of the city further, the problematic roads also need necessary action on the part of authorities.

Such action can help in resolving the problem and minimising the inconvenience the commuters have to face while traveling on the roads. The residents of entire city must get rid of the dilapidated and waterlogged roads. The concerned authorities must take all short term and long term measures in this connection.

There should be total coordination between the various government departments taking care of roads and drainage system. Even coordination between the officials responsible for maintenance of major roads and small roads should be there. All roads need to get due attention for the betterment of the people living in the city.

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