Meet 13-year-old Ganderbal boy, J&K’s rising badminton star

Ibrahim bin Ajaz Qureshi, 13, from Ganderbal is the firstbadminton player from Jammu and Kashmir who has reached 28th rank in 2018 and32nd in 2017 at all-India level during national badminton competition inunder-13 category.

Ibrahim a rising star of badminton in Kashmir now, startedhis sports journey at the age of seven when his parents took him to watch firstever senior badminton nationals at Indoor Stadium, Srinagar, in which country’stop players like PV Sindhu, P Kashap, Sania Nehwal, Srikanth and other sportscelebrities participated.

“Badminton gives me energy and satisfaction. I really workedhard for past six years to reach national level,” says Ibrahim moving therackets in his hands.

While watching the match in a scintillating environment,Ibrahim was attracted towards badminton. This was the day in 2013, when hestarted coming to Indoor Stadium, Srinagar almost daily to chase his dream ofbecoming a badminton player.

Photo: Greater Kashmir

Ibrahim has become the first badminton player from J&Kwho figured at 32nd rank in 2017 and 28th rank in 2018 during nationalbadminton competition in under-13 category in spite of the fact that nointernational standard or professional training was given to him.

He is presently U-13 state champion in singles and doubles,and is the first U-14 Khelo India state champion for 2018-19. After winningthree state championships in 2018, Ibrahim was nominated by BadmintonAssociation of India for three weeks coaching camp in Padekone-Dravid Sportsfor Excellence Academy, Bangalore. He is also expecting his selection for aninternational tour to Indonesia for a training program this year.

Besides his family, Ibrahim is all praise to his seniorplayers and coaches here for their critical analysis and guidance which hasshaped his game.

“More than my hard work it is the support of my parents andguidance of my coach Amir Rasool. They have bigger role in my success,” hesaid.

Ibrahim’s mother left a government job so that she canaccompany her son to Indoor Stadium daily after his school hours.

Ibrahim’s family stands with him like a hard rock. Hismother left her job and his father is extended him each kind of possiblesupport he can afford. 

“Ibrahim showed passion for badminton at very young age, Iand his mother encouraged him. We are happy with his progress so far and we arewilling to go to any extent to help him to achieve his goal,” says his fatherAijaz ahmad Qureshi.

Despite Ibrahim’s selection for three nationals: SGFI(U-14), BAI (U-15) and Khelo India which were held in Andhra Pradesh, Karnatakaand New Delhi respectively, he decided to give them a miss and attended acoaching camp.  

“I missed the nationals because I was selected by BadmintonAssociation of India for prestigious National Badminton Coaching Camp atPrakash Dravid Sports for excellence at Bangalore and thought it is better toimprove my game than to participate in nationals. Because here in Kashmir welack basic infrastructure, even we don’t have any specified badminton indoorfacilities of international standard,” says Ibrahim.

Ibrahim is not satisfied with the facilities and coachingavailable in Kashmir, he requires, for grooming to become an internationalchampion and carry the routine practice.

“We are far behind other states as for as professionalcoaching, training schedule, sports environment, and facilities are concerned,”says Ibrahim.

“To excel in any game or sport and to reach at Olympiclevel, a player needs a lot of hard work, dedication, professionalism andsupport from the parents. Once a player reaches national level he needs totalpatronage from government organisations and sponsorships to continue his goal.Here in Kashmir we stand nowhere,” he rues.

Despite performing well in his field Ibrahim argues thatthere is no monetary support from the State Sports Council. “Recently PM duringhis visit to the state inaugurated indoor stadium at Ganderbal but it is yet tobe made functional,” he says.

Indoor Stadium in Srinagar is a multipurpose stadium. Itremains preoccupied for different activities which hampers daily practice ofbadminton players. Another stadium at Sehpora Ganderbal which was recentlyinaugurated is yet to open for players due to non availability of basicequipments, he says.

 “No doubt governmenthere is keen to promote sports and sends selected players to take part innational competitions, but most of talented players fail to reach last stagebecause teams from the state reach to venue same day or just one day before,while as most of the top ranked players reach venue at least a week earlier toacclimatize themselves which in turn help them to perform better in thenationals,” says Ibrahim.

Other states conduct coaching camps for all national teamsbefore leaving to venue but such things don’t happen in J&K regularly, hesays.

“I believe after parents, the role of government and itsdepartments have important role to play once a player reaches to the nationallevel,” says Ibrahim

 “As it is verydifficult to reach Olympic level without the support of the government,especially youth services and sports department and J&K Sports Council tosponsor a player and provide international standard coaching and facilities.Unfortunately here in Kashmir we see mushroom growth of non-Olympic games whichhas disappointed those players who strive to become Olympic player,” he adds.

Badminton is a game were a player needs at least four to sixhours strenuous training schedule in order to reach international standard butthat seems distant dream for Ibrahim without sponsorships.

Recently Ibrahim was approached by Baddyzone- LiningBangalore to sign two years contract for a sponsorship training programmestarting from April 2019. But Ibrahim is reluctant to move and join there as hebelieves sponsorship programmes should be facilitated here in his home statefor all talented players so that they realize their dream without compromisingtheir studies.

Ibrahim shuttles many miles from Ganderbal to and fro withher mother to reach Indoor stadium for practice sessions almost every day.

On way to become a rising sports star, Ibrahim is doingequally well in his studies.  He manageshis time well between his studies and sports. A class 8th student, Ibrahim hasbeen recently nominated as house captain in one of the prominent schools ofvalley, Tyndale Biscoe School. Being among the toppers in the class he has beenalso elected as monitor in his class.

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