Kashmir has broken all records of corruption: Governor Malik

Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik on Monday said that Kashmir has broken all records of corruption in the country and he won’t leave the state till he exposes all politicians involved in “looting state coffers.”

While referring to his statement that “militants should killthose who looted state resources,” the Governor while interacting with a selectgroup of reporters here said, “Only those have disliked my statement whom ithas hit,” but he was quick to add that as the constitutional head of the statehe should have avoided making such a statement.

“Had I not been the Governor, I would have stated the sameand would have readily faced the punishment if so, for such remarks,” GovernorMalik said.

On Sunday, Malik stirred a hornet’s nest during his addressat a function in Kargil in Ladakh region. In an apparent reference to themilitants, Governor Malik had said:  “Whyare you killing them (PSOs and SPOs)? Kill those who have looted the wealth ofKashmir. Have you killed any of them?”

The Governor said wherever he goes be it a hotel or arestaurant he comes to know about the huge shares of the Kashmiri politicians.”I have not seen such high level of rampant corruption anywhere. Kashmir hasbroken all records of sleaze in the country’s history. And these people stillbehave like Sultans. They were nowhere before three decades. But gone are thedays when they would go scot free. They will be made accountable.”

Reacting to the tweets of the former chief minister andNational Conference vice-president Omar Abdullah, the Governor said that he hada great respect for the young man (Omar), but he is behaving like a “politicaljuvenile” by tweeting about every small thing. “You must see the reactions tohis tweets as well,” Malik said.

The Governor said he neither had the name of his father orgrandfather to fall back up on nor the wealth. “I have come here from aone-and-half room house and I guarantee you that I will leave after exposingtheir corrupt practices,” he added.

Pertinently, after Governor Malik’s statement in Kargil onSunday, Omar in series of tweets had stated: “Save this tweet – after today anymainstream politician or serving/retired bureaucrat killed in J&K has beenmurdered on the express orders of the Governor of J&K Satyapal Malik.”

In another tweet Omar had said: “This man, ostensibly aresponsible man occupying a constitutional position, tells militants to killpoliticians perceived to be corrupt. Perhaps the man should find out about hisown reputation in Delhi these days before sanctioning unlawful killings &kangaroo courts.”

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