Traffic disrupted on Sgr-Jmu NH

Ramban: The Srinagar-Jammu National Highway remained open for two-way traffic but traffic congestion was witnessed between the Nashri and Banihal sectors on Sunday.

Both Light Motor Vehicles (LMVs) and Heavy Motor Vehicles (HMVs) remained stuck in long queues at intervals and the movement of traffic remained slow at various places between the Nashri and Banihal sectors of the highway.

Officials said that a few trucks broke down on the highway, causing traffic congestion.

They said that upgradation of the road and narrow stretches at a few places on the highway also hindered the flow of traffic.

Officials said traffic was being cleared on a one-way basis on the narrow stretches due to which vehicles remained stuck in long queues for some time.

Traffic officials in Ramban said that a huge presence of traffic was witnessed on the highway.

They said that vehicles were being cleared on a one-way basis at Dalwass, Mehar-Cafeteria, Ramban, Seri, Kelamorh, Digdool, and other places.

The traffic officials said that some trucks had also developed mechanical snags in the middle of the road, causing bottlenecks on the highway at various places between the Nashri and Banihal sectors.

Scores of places from Banihal to Nashri tunnel were identified as narrow spots.

This included spots with soil and boulders placed at the brinks of the road that led to traffic congestion during the peak hours.

The drivers and commuters said that narrow road stretches where landslides had occurred in winter had not been cleared yet and road construction work was also hindering the smooth flow of traffic from both sides of the highway from Nashri to Banihal.

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