More than 1,000 guns seized from Los Angeles house

More than 1,000 guns were seized from a house located in anupscale Los Angeles neighbourhood, police said.

Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms andExplosives and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) personnel served asearch warrant on Wednesday in an investigation of someone suspected ofmanufacturing and selling illegal firearms, LAPD Officer Jeff Lee said.

In aerial footage from the scene, hundreds of guns are seenscattered out in the driveway of the house in Holmby Hills, CNN reported.

The weapons range from handguns to rifles.

Bureau spokeswoman Ginger Colbrun said in a written statementthat authorities were anonymously tipped off that someone was “conductingillegal firearms transaction outside the scope of the federal firearm licensethat the individual possess”.

Along with the weapons, firearm manufacturing equipment andtools were also found at the home.

Officers from both agencies remained on the scene andcontinued the investigation.

In 2015, LAPD seized 1,200 guns, seven tonnes of ammunitionand $230,000 in cash from a home.

The owner had died of natural causes and was found in avehicle outside. At that time it was considered one of the largest weapon’sseizure from one home, the LAPD said.

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