J&K’s dark villages

In this era of development, there are a number of villages in Jammu and Kashmir that are yet to be electrified. The electricity supply has not been made available to these villages for one reason or the other.

Wandaji village in Kupwara district is one such village. While the neighbouring areas got power supply last year, Wandaji was left out. There are several other places in J&K, which have been left out like this.

The villagers say that they have been repeatedly bringing their problem into the notice of concerned officials but no action is taken. There is a need for responding swiftly to the pleas made by the villagers so that they too like other people living in rest of J&K get electricity supply.

The villagers suffer in absence of the facility. The residents of Wandaji say that they still light traditional torches (Leish) to light their houses after sunset. The oily wood for lighting purpose affects their  health as it produces heavy smoke. The studies of children also get affected.

The power development department officials say that the electricity supply will be made available in Wandaji within a few weeks. It is being hoped that the officials stick to their assurance and electricity supply is provided to the villagers there.

Not only in Wandaji, the supply must be made available to all such other villages. At government level a number of steps are being taken for the improvement in power scenario. When there is some progress in this sector, why should some places remain unelectrified.

Besides that, there is also a need for further improvement in power sector. The consumers must get round the clock power supply and the load-shedding must come to an end. But power curtailment is a reality and in winter months it is too frequent.

More power has to be generated in the state sector to minimise the gap between supply and demand, particularly during the peak evening hours in winter. The under-construction hydroelectric power projects must be speedily completed and new projects should be planned and executed.

Kashmir has huge potential for power generation. This potential has to be identified and tapped so that J&K becomes self-sufficient in power sector and also imports power to outside states to earn more revenue. J&K needs more power and more revenue for better facilities.

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