Our Apple Trade

This year the apple production in Kashmir is said to be 40 percent lesser than the last year. However, the price of the fruit in the markets outside and also in the mandis here is higher this time.

Last year the low market rates, the delay in timely transportation of apple boxes to outside markets,  and some other problems were the cause of concern for farmers and traders.

This year the government took some important steps in advance so that the fruit laden trucks are not unnecessarily halted for long on the Srinagar – Jammu National Highway, and their transportation to outside markets not delayed unnecessarily.

Strict instructions were passed on  to concerned officials from the top level for smooth movement of the fruit laden trucks on the  highway. The people associated with apple production and trade  are happy with the moves and optimistic that such steps continue in future as well.

The apple growers and traders say that their produce must get good rates in markets outside so that they do not face losses as had happened in past. They are happy over the rates at the moment. There are also growers who have been affected by the low production of the apple.

Weather conditions are said to be  among some of the causes for the low production. While the weather conditions are not in one’s control but  other causes for low production must be taken care of.

The experts in concerned government departments must take stock of the scenario and provide their expert opinion to the growers for their benefit. The growers must be guided  wherever the guidance is required. The farmers too must reach out to experts if they need their suggestions.

It is a two way process and have to be utilised for the better apple production. Since apple production and trade is the backbone of Kashmir economy, it needs to be strengthened further. The livelihood and survival of lakhs of people is associated with this important sector.

There is a need at the government and non-government levels to take all steps so that this sector gets strengthened with every passing day. The farmers producing apple must get all the facilities being provided in Himachal Pradesh.

The schemes which are beneficial for the farmers have to be taken up. The apple growers must get all possible help and facilities. Since the competition is increasing in markets due to the import of apple from foreign countries, the growers too must focus on producing high quality fruit. For that they can take advantage of the more advanced scientific approaches.

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