Kashmir faces highest power cuts across country

Srinagar, Nov 29: Amidst a growing uproar over power issues, Kashmir finds itself grappling with the ignominious title of having the highest number of power interruptions in the country.

The data released by the National Power Portal has revealed that the Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited (KPDCL) recorded the most significant number and duration of power interruptions during September, making it the poorest performer among power distribution companies (discoms) in ensuring regular power supply.


The monthly average number of interruptions in Kashmir stands at a staggering 80.49, with the duration of interruptions reaching 105.32 (HH.MM).

The KPDCL’s struggle to maintain an uninterrupted power supply has become even more pronounced with the onset of winter, as the power demand has surged while the supply has failed to keep pace.

Kashmir Valley, according to power reliability indices, witnesses power cuts equivalent to a month out of the year.

The figures from the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) expose the alarming disparity between KPDCL’s performance and the national average in power reliability indices.

For the year 2022, KPDCL reported a dismal System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) of 889 and a System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) of 723.95.

In contrast, the all-India averages for the same indices were significantly lower at 116.12 for SAIDI and 171.64 for SAIFI.

SAIDI and SAIFI are crucial metrics used to analyse power system performance, providing insights into the quality of electricity supply.

Lower values for these indices indicate a more reliable power system with fewer and shorter outages, essential for maintaining an uninterrupted electricity supply to consumers.

A senior official from KPDCL acknowledged that the elevated values for SAIFI and SAIDI in Kashmir point to persistent power cuts, exacerbating the ongoing power crisis in the region.

The situation has been further complicated by reduced power purchases and allegations of power pilferage, raising concerns among residents about the reliability of the power infrastructure in the region.

Stakeholders are calling for urgent measures to address the root causes of the interruptions and ensure a reliable and stable power supply, especially with the winter months placing additional strain on the region’s electricity demands.

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