Winter Preparedness

All the decisions being taken in the winter preparedness meetings should be implemented in letter and spirit. It has been seen that when a major snowfall occurs, there is lack of coordination among the various government departments, dealing with the crisis.

Even the decisions taken in advance are not implemented when the time comes. The lack of coordination among the government departments and non-implementation of decisions further add to the hardships of people in winter.

There should be proper coordination so that restoration of power and water supply is speedily and effectively done and snow bound roads cleared speedily.

The delay in road clearance in vast areas affect the movement of traffic and of the people. Seriously ill persons are  not able to reach hospitals and other health facilities in time.

During a review meeting regarding winter preparedness on Monday in Srinagar, Divisional commissioner Kashmir Pandurang K Pole directed the Chief Engineers of Roads and Buildings (R&B) Department and  Mechanical Engineering Division (MED) to  use new sophisticated machinery instead of crude snow clearance machinery.

Usage of sophisticated machine will effectively improve the snow clearance work. It has been seen sometimes that roads get damaged by some machines during snow clearance.

This should not happen. Sophisticated machines must be used so that the roads do not suffer any damage and remain safe.

Due to shortage of good equipment, machines which are not actually meant for snow clearance are used on small roads.

The snow clearance plans made in advance should be followed. Additional man  and machinery power should be utilised wherever  needed.

It sometimes happens that due to the shortage of men and machinery, roads remain snow bound for days or weeks together in remote areas.

The directions to PDD to prepare schedule for power distribution, advance dumping of stock of transformers, poles and conductors, and branch cutting of trees need to be practically followed well before the winter.

Issuing of advance avalanche warning for hilly areas is also needed to avoid damage to property and loss of lives.

All the concerned departments must review their earlier performance. They must identify the shortcomings so that these problems are addressed and winter preparedness is done in a much better way.

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