‘Maharaja introduced State Subject Laws to defeat anti-state forces in Kashmir’

Jammu: Ikkjutt Jammu Party, patron, Prof Hari Om today said that Maharaja Hari Singh introduced State Subject Laws in 1927 to “defeat anti-state forces in Kashmir and British India.”

Addressing a press conference here, Prof Om said that Kashmiri leaders of all hues, who otherwise leave no opportunity to denounce the Dogras and the Dogra Maharajas as “aliens and oppressors”, and some of their agents outside Kashmir have unleashed a no-holds-barred propaganda blitz to create an impression that it’s the Maharaja Hari Singh’s State Subject Definition of 1927 and Instrument of Accession of Oct 26, 1947, which led to introduction of Article 35A on May 14, 1954 retrospectively w.e.f. May 14, 1944 and Article 370 on January 26, 1950 that conferred separate status on J&K or created a separate republic within the Indian Republic.

“They, including former J&K CM and chief of the newly-founded Democratic Azad (DAP), Ghulam Nabi Azad, who have been demanding restoration of the pre-August 5, 2019 position are only distorting history, telling lies to mislead the nation and hoodwink gullible people of J&K UT, especially Kashmir,” he said.

Tearing into the Kashmiri leaders, including G N Azad, Prof Hari Om said that the Instrument of Accession signed by Maharaja Hari Singh was similar to the one signed by the other 560-odd princely states and that the accession of J&K to India was complete and unconditional. He accused the then Indian PM JL Nehru and Congress of driving J&K out of the national mainstream to punish the Dogras of Jammu province and enable Kashmir to convert Jammu and Ladakh into her colonies and enslave the people of these two regions, which were religiously committed to India.

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