CUK’s English, Chemistry Deptts hold induction programme for freshers

Ganderbal: The departments of English and Chemistry of the Central University of Kashmir (CUK) organised separate induction programmes for the newly admitted students at Arts Campus Duderhama and Nuner Campus respectively.

Inaugurating the 2-day programme in the English department, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Farooq Ahmad Shah highlighted the prospects and potentials of NEP 2020 to prepare effervescent manpower to tackle the challenges in nation building. He reiterated the need of transforming the university departments into centres of intellectual integrity and effective skill enhancement.

Addressing the students and faculty, Registrar, Prof. M Afzal Zargar, enunciated that the centres of higher learning like Universities are ‘of the students, by the students, but for the society.’ Hence, the student community today, he said, needs to grow in the course of their studies in the university to be socially committed and responsible individuals.

Dean School of Languages, Prof. Md. Gayasuddin, impressed upon the students to utilise the resources for intellectual nourishment and brighter future. Department Coordinator, Mr. Sunil K Mannil, welcomed the gathering and Dr. Tajamul Islam proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Ishrat Bashir was the moderator.

The inaugural was followed by an address by Prof. Saugata Baduri on Why Literature? in which, he explicated on the ways in which literature and arts help us develop love and empathy for the ‘other.’ Prof. GJV Prasad in another lecture on the ‘Aesthetics of Literature’ reflected on the hidden potentials of literature in the cross-cultural transference and translation of emotions which uniquely connects people across the world. Asst Librarian, Dr. Tariq Ahmed Shah, also delivered a lecture on library resources.

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