Residents of Behnipora village of Handwara decry delay in completion of bridge

Kupwara: The residents of Behnipora and adjacent villages in Handwara Wednesday expressed strong resentment against authorities for the inordinate delay in the completion of the bridge in their locality thereby putting residents in a lot of inconveniences.

The residents said that the bridge was sanctioned four years ago, but to date, only a few abutments have been constructed. They said that during the last several years, they have knocked at every concerned officer’s door but to no avail.

They said amid the high water level in the Butshungi Nallah students of the government higher secondary school Behnipora are unable to cross it which ultimately tells upon their studies.

“Since our school happens to be on the other side of Butshungi Nallah so whenever the water level increases in it, we prefer staying back at home. We are unable to understand why authorities were watching our miseries as mute spectators and did nothing with regard to completing the remaining construction work of this bridge,” an aggrieved class 12th student told Greater Kashmir.

Even locals are aghast over the inordinate delay in the completion of the bridge. They said that almost fifteen hundred households are connected by the bridge. “Whenever any medical emergency arises in the area, we have to carry patients on shoulders and reach the main road, from where we board vehicles to proceed further,” a local resident said.

“For the last several years, we have been using a makeshift bridge to cross the river. Don’t know when our miseries will end,” he added.

The residents said that the bridge once completed will ease the hardships of students and locals who have been suffering badly.

An official of Roads & Buildings (R&B) told Greater Kashmir that an amount of Rs 2.95 crore was sanctioned for the construction of the bridge and its approach road and due to lack of funds, the project could not be completed in time. He said that the concerned contractor has a liability of over 50 lakh. “Now the project has been kept in the languishing scheme and we are hopeful that the funds would be released soon following which concrete steps would be taken for its completion,” he added.

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