No example of younger generation of separatists throwing stones in last 30 years: LG

Jammu: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha Monday said that there was not even a single example of the younger generation of the families of separatists throwing stones on the streets in the last 30 years.

Addressing a gathering after releasing ‘Ehad-e-Kashmir’, a short docu-drama, produced by JK News Today, he also said that the assault on terror financing, terror recruitment and demolishing illegal structures of terrorists would continue till the striking of last nail in the coffin of terrorism.

The LG also said that Pakistan had been using terror as a State policy since 1947 and spilling the blood of innocent citizens of J&K and that Pakistan tried to destroy the ‘Paradise on Earth’.

He said that on August 5, 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a strong decision of abrogating Article 370 for which entire country cannot repay his debt.

The LG said that children were now going to schools and gone were the days when Pakistan issued hartal calendars.

He asserted that until Pakistan completely rejected the terrorism (as its policy) and condemned it in unambiguous terms, there would be no question of talks with it (Pakistan), in line with the official stance of the Government of India.

“There are people who continue to promote the narrative advocating talks with Pakistan. They continue to create an impression that the peace and sense of security cannot be evolved in J&K until we get engaged in talks with Pakistan. But I resolutely reject this line of reasoning and assert that there is no question of it (talks with Pakistan). Those pursuing this line and advocating it (talks with Pakistan) in fact, are acting as mentors of terrorism and separatism and are trying to give a new lease of life to the eco-system, which we have almost wiped out, though some remnants are still there. But largely, our valiant security forces have been successful in breaking the backbone of terrorist organisations and their mentors,” the Lieutenant Governor said, while taking an oblique dig at opposition leadership.      

Former Chief Secretary and J&K Chief Electoral Officer B R Sharma, Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh, JK News Today Editor-in-Chief and veteran journalist and political analyst Arun Joshi and JK News Today Editor Binoo Joshi shared the dais with him.

Among prominent dignitaries present on the occasion included J&K Waqf Board chairperson Darakhshan Andrabi, senior BJP leader Devender Rana, ADGP Mukesh Singh, Divisional Commissioner Jammu Ramesh Kumar.

LG Sinha stated, “As far as policy of Government of India is concerned. It (Indian government) has an unambiguous policy and we’re also pursuing it. The government has clearly stated that peace is not something which can be bought. It is established and the efforts are underway in that direction.  There was a time when it (peace) used to be negotiated. There would be deals to buy it. That era is gone. A befitting reply is being given to Pakistani terrorist organizations and their supporters. We have been successful in curbing terror financing and recruitment to great extent. We believe in establishing peace and determined to eliminate the entire terror ecosystem.”

 “All efforts are being made to completely annihilate the eco-system which nourishes separatism and terrorism. Stone-pelting, Hartal calendar, the dates of which were used to be announced by the neighbouring country leading to closure of educational institutions and the business establishments have become a thing of the past. Now people are living a normal life, earning their livelihood peacefully without any fear or coercion. Article 370 gave secessionism, terrorism, nepotism and large scale corruption to Jammu Kashmir and denied due rights to different sections of society here. It was used by Pakistan to spread terrorism. On August 5, 2019, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a historic decision to abrogate it and thus ushered in a new era of peace, progress and prosperity in J&K. History and future generations would evaluate it and give credit to him (PM) for this historic decision,” LG Sinha said.

He averred that the people of J&K always wanted peace, but the Pakistan’s exported terrorism and its sympathizers tried to destroy this paradise on earth. “The situation has changed. The paradise on earth is now achieving new heights of development and there is greater ease of living in the lives of citizens. Today, the world has started to understand that there is no ‘good terrorism’ or ‘bad terrorism’. Terrorism in any form is the biggest atrocity against humanity,” the Lieutenant Governor said.

He reiterated that the separatists and supporters of terrorism, working at the behest of the neighbouring nation conspired against J&K, misguided innocent youths and used them as cannon fodder, while their own children went to Delhi, Mumbai and abroad to get education and lead a normal life.

“Those trying to spread a false narrative and misguide the youth must remember that Governance should be for the common man and not for the select few elites. We need to ask questions how families of terrorists were recruited in the government services earlier. How secessionists were given jobs earlier. Those responsible for such heinous acts must introspect before raising questions on transparent and merit based recruitments happening now,” he added.

“Efforts in perfect synergy are being taken to choke all routes and means of terror-financing. Houses (built out of proceeds of terror financing) are also being demolished. And this process will continue till the last trace of terrorism is wiped out. We’re hopeful that during the ‘Amrit Kaal’ of India’s independence we will be successful in our resolve to take J&K on the path of peace, progress and prosperity with its citizens forming the focal point of all government endeavours. On the solemn occasion of our iconic General Zorawar Singh’s death anniversary, I appeal to all the citizens to pledge to work in all sincerity to accomplish the cherished ideals for which he fought and made a supreme sacrifice,” LG Sinha said.

At the outset, he appreciated JK News Today group for its sincere effort to depict the story of Kashmir and said that the docu-drama captured the story of Kashmir and changes it witnessed over the years.

The film shed lights on new dawn of development, people’s aspirations and decisive action against Pakistan-sponsored terror ecosystem, he added.

Reiterating the government’s commitment to achieving new milestones with respect to growth and inclusive development, the Lt Governor said, all the tools of governance were working for the welfare of people.

On the occasion, the Lt Governor felicitated Param Vir Chakra Awardee Captain Bana Singh, and the team of JK News Today, including Dr Harshdeep Joshi, Amit Khajuria, Monika Jamwal and Amir Tantray.

Replying to a question on the power scenario in Kashmir during his interaction with the media persons, the Lieutenant Governor said that the government was providing 5 percent more power to the valley than the previous year. “I am taking a day-to-day report on the power supply,” he said.

Binoo Joshi, senior Journalist, Director and Producer of the ‘Ehad-e-Kashmir’, in her welcome address briefed the gathering about the docu-drama. “We have tried to depict the situation of Kashmir in different time zones and present the statement of humanity through our endeavour,” she added.

Editor-in-Chief, JK News Today Arun Joshi, while presenting the vote of thanks and said that the efforts made in the last few years significantly improved the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. “We are witness to the changed scenario where the people are hopeful of return of peace in the Valley. The way you are changing Kashmir and making efforts to bring peace here, we hope that process will get further momentum in the days to come,” Arun Joshi said, while extending gratitude to the Lieutenant Governor.

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