Side fencing of bridges

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The administration recently started the side fencing of major bridges in Srinagar city to prevent suicide attempts. The decision was taken after several incidents of suicide, or attempt to suicide. Some persons particularly youngsters jumped from the bridges into the river to end their lives. Some years back the authorities had fenced the sides of some footbridges over the river after similar incidents. The administration took a good step by beginning to fence the sides of the major bridges now. But can such a measure alone be able to prevent suicides or suicide bids? Much more needs to be done in this direction. The problem has to be addressed at various levels. For that the role of the families is highly important. Those having mental health related issues need to have proper family support, treatment and counseling.  Efforts should be made to take them out of the stressful situation so that they do not take extreme steps and end their lives. Reports keep on pouring regarding suicides by persons by hanging or consuming some poisonous substance. The families, society, mental health experts and the concerned government departments will have to play their roles to solve this growing problem. If the problem is allowed to get aggravated, more serious consequences will be in store for the families and the society. The advice and suggestions of mental health experts have to be immediately sought whenever required. Remaining in denial mode complicates the problem. The widening disconnect in traditional communication among the family members due to excessive use of mobile phones and screen time has to be avoided. Normal communication should be encouraged and strengthened at family level. That  way  if  anybody in family is having any mental health problem or is  having suicidal  tendencies, thet is detected well in time. The issue can be addressed timely. Rather than pushing such persons to wall at home and outside,  they should get support to deal with their mental health related issues. The suicidal tendencies have to come down and tragic incidents of suicides prevented. The causes of suicide have to be addressed.

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