The Final Handshake!

It was a warm December morning, the sun was out in its full bloom. As a routine task, he woke up, started fresh, was about to put up his clothes and set off to his business establishment before the tragedy unfolded.

While he stepped into the washroom, his wife was preparing his tiffin since he had to leave for his long busy day; it was all a daily routine. But this time, the tale was different.

As the clock raced, and no one came out from the closet, an alarm was razed. The door was finally knocked down after a long wait, he was seen lying on the floor. This was all unexpected, he couldn’t stand on his own. With blurred vision, black-out all over, he had collapsed.

The next moment, he opened his eyes in a health care center. He found himself laying on a bed surrounded by all nears and dears. With everyone, hearing for a safe word from the men laced with white coats, he was referred to a tertiary care institution.

Everyone was shell shocked about the sudden deterioration of his health. The referral was draining out his family physically and mentally, with tears and shrieks all around in the hospital, back home too.

The condition was akin to elopement with death, and that was something neither expected nor seen before. While, he was referred to SKIMS, for days on bed he fought like a warrior, talked to every one around, but on the fateful day, the call for surgery came, on stretcher he sought prayers and bid an adieu while being in consciousness for one last time.

While being taken inside, inside the theatre as the doctors started to operate, he suffered another stroke and there he lay unconscious.

Votive knots, had been tied on the window grills, wooden railings of every holy place for a sound surgery but nothing worked. He lay in the state of unconsciousness for few more days, with wires of medical machines fixed to his body, as continuous beeps enveloped the room.

While every thing paused, on December 13, 2021, he sucked in a feeble, half lung full, slowly exhaled, the machine displayed a plain graph and it was there he succumbed.

A pal of gloom descended while he was brought home one last time, amid thousands of people, moans and wails, the “philanthropist”, “saviour” to countless people was laid to rest.

Who was he?

He is young, while we dream of him still; we don’t believe or agree with the fact that you left us, this soon. While I start jotting this, it feels like a dream to write something for you, a tribute to you, when you are not here around us, all.

Today, my hands and mind are looking for words around, for it’s so hard and difficult to muster the courage to write for someone who has left everyone in deep shock.

Your death took it all, it took someone’s friend, someone’s brother, someone’s uncle, you were something to everyone, and your hand had been on everyone’s head, you showered kindness to everyone.

Mohammad Akbar Mir–Abu Ji, Ak-laal, as you were popularly known amongst all. Abu Ji was a senior official in the department of Revenue. It has been 40 days and now 40 odd since you left all of us, departed from our lives, these all have been periods of pain, this had never been the promise between all of us, and parting was never destined to be this soon.

Not even a day has ever passed since that you haven’t been in our thoughts. Your parting has lacerated hearts and it will continue to remain as open wounds. I can see faces from whom those inner conversations have been taken away, your parting took so much from us that is unfathomable. “Hamaam” at your place feels in ruins without you.

Mornings have been cursed and evenings do sound of gloom, days have been hurtful post your exit. The wounds left have no healing. The despairing solitude has engulfed the entire home, while we all look for the same person, sitting at his place.

December 13, 2021, will be remembered by everyone who knew you around, for it took away you, for all those machines attached to the body stopped beeping around with all the hopes shattered. With everyone around and paying a visit to you, I will forever remember that handshake.

I will remember your elder son caressing your hair, the other one near your feet, your brothers and all your near and dear ones being around every second, with the hope that we will see you back home soon. But, The Superior of All, had other plans.

You left all of us soon. You will forever be a man of no compromise and you will have the highest place in that abode. For, your leaving may be the beginning of the trial for all of us, but we know you are there in peace, smiling from heaven.

Till we meet again, Fee Amanillah – in God’s refuge.

Travel Well, Abu Ji!

Yours, Family

(Salman Jeelani, is a student of B.A English Honours, final year at Islamic University of Science and technology, Kashmir)

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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