Visitors leave behind trail of garbage in Gurez Valley


Srinagar, Sep 02: The frequent and unchecked visits to the Gurez valley in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district has resulted in an escalating garbage crisis as the visitors leave behind the trail of garbage and plastic posing a threat to the fragile zone.

Over the past few years, Gurez valley is witnessing a huge rush of visitors including locals and non-local tourists.


While the government and other stakeholders are making efforts to promote Gurez as an all weather tourist destination, the absence of proper waste disposal management has led to a disturbing accumulation of garbage and plastics which poses a threat to the fragile environment.

The move has left the stakeholders concerned over the lack of a proper waste management system in the valley.

Former Advisor to J&K Governor and the Vice Chairman, Group of Concerned Citizens (GCC) Khurshid Ahmed Ganai said the government has destroyed the eco fragile valley in the name of tourism.

“I am so concerned about this issue as I have  served as SDM in Sopore in 1985. Gurez was a pristine and pure valley with wooden structures. But now the government has destroyed it in the name of tourism,” he said.

The local stakeholders have expressed their apprehension over the present condition at Gurez valley saying that the unchecked littering can prove costly for the area.

“The present situation is not good at all and if the garbage continues to accumulate at this pace, we won’t have any tourists coming here after two to three years as this place will stink,” said Ishaq Ahmad, a local resident.

He said the present situation poses a serious threat to the environment and tourism here.

“The Gurez valley was awarded as the best offbeat tourist destination recently but now our own people are making it pathetic by leaving garbage and plastic waste here,” he said.

The locals appealed to the government for setting up a scientific waste disposal system in Gurez Valley which can prevent the destination from losing its sheen.

Talking to Greater Kashmir, Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Gurez, Mukhtar Ahmad, while acknowledging the accumulation of garbage seen in the Valley, said that the condition has however improved as compared to the past months.

“Earlier people used to come with their own tents and they used to leave garbage there. But an order was issued by the administration regarding pitching of tents which controlled the situation to a great extent,” SDM Gurez told Greater Kashmir.

He said at present the locals who rent out tents to visitors, have their own dustbins and they collect the garbage and dispose of it properly.

“A van is deputed by the Rural Development Department under SBM gramin which collects the waste and disposes  it of properly. But it is also a fact that a single van does not suffice for the whole area,” SDM said.

He said the team from SDM office also visits various spots to clean the area.

“The Department of Rural Sanitation also gives its efforts to clean the area. Their initiative is run by the local BDO at the ground level. Their model is that they run it on the basis of user charges. They collect the fees from the people and clean the garbage from there,” he said.

He however said that heaps of garbage have increased because the place has witnessed a huge footfall over the past few years.

“We had proposed that there should be a Gurez Development Authority here. Like it is at other places. The proposal was sent, but nothing happened. We also said that a Municipal Committee should be formed here but that did not happen as well,” he said.

SDM Gurez said they have shortage of manpower and scarcity of funds as well. “So, whatever resources are available, we try our best to keep this place clean. So, we are doing as much as we can,” SDM Gurez said.

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