Ensuring justice for labour

After the formation of Mill-Hands Association in Mumbai (Bombay), first labour association in India, the rise of several associations and unions was witnessed. Madras Labour Union, the first registered trade union, has its own legacy. In 1920 the growth of Ahmedabad Textile Labourer Association in Gujarat was considered one of the strongest unions of India because of its unique method of conciliation and settlement. Many commissions also emphasized the formation of trade unions. The Royal Commission on labour recommended the creation of strong trade unions to alleviate the labour from their miserable conditions and exploitation. The importance of formation of trade unions was advocated by many nationalized leaders in order to improve the employer and worker relationship and push the concept of trusteeship.

As per the constitution Trade Unions are also elected by the right to vote. In contrast to Assembly or Parliament elections, the elected trade unions have virtually no opposition. However, in the present scenario, a group of likeminded people form another group or panel at the time of trade union elections.

In addition to regular wages union is able to provide more amenities. Unions are instrumental in negotiations and settlements. Trade Unions must have a positive approach to negotiate with the management for getting their demands accepted. The unions & associations help a worker for promotion to higher cadre & scale by imparting adequate training sills & development. The employee also expects its protection at the time of disciplinary proceeding initiated against him/her in case of inadvertent misconduct. In case of major charges, the disciplinary action or dismissal might be decided after proper investigation under rules and provide a charge sheet to the employee for engagement of defense councilor. The union must ensure that the employer need to investigate on compliant against and investigation should be unbiased & fair. It should also seek to establish the facts and not just to collect the evident against the accused employee. The appellant has a right to appeal before the Industrial Tribunal in case of non-satisfaction.

Trade Union in Kashmir

It is a fact that hardworking skilled people are the backbone of economic strength. The J&K Government is committed to the welfare of the people including working class. The Government is taking measures to enable them to play a pivotal role in the institution building measures. In this way the Government adopted Central Legislations that take care of regulatory mechanism and social security to improve the socio-economic conditions of the working class, hence paving way for establishment of Department of Labour & Employment J&K.

Trade unions operating in J&K, mainly in Kashmir Division, are known for strike & shutdown calls. The business class was badly affected by the circumstance. The strike calls given from the last many years devastated the economy of Kashmir. The continuous lockdown proved detrimental and affected adversely the interests of the business class. The elected representatives need to ensure business continuity, generation of employment opportunities along with less disputes and much expansion in work orders. , with the government support.

Trade Union in an organisation

Presently very few reputed organisations are running herein Kashmir and showing good results in business sector. The business scenario of district Srinagar can be viewed by recently held District Level Review Committee-DLRC meeting. It was informed that credit to the tune of Rs. 2984.38 crores has been disbursed among approximately 70,000 beneficiaries by different financial institutions under priority & non-priority sector, quarter ended September 2021. The meeting stressed upon to educate and sensitise the public about the financial literacy, banking products and government sponsored schemes so that people can avail the benefits of such schemes by setting up income generating units. These set targets by the government and controlling offices of an organization can be achieved by mobilising the human resource efficiently & appropriately. The workforce has its own expectations from an organisation they are working for. Sometimes they need a united form so that their genuine demands are met.

Shabir Ahmad Shah works in a Financial Institution

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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