The Political Olympics

Finally the Beijing Winter Olympics assumed the form of World Political Olympics involving the presence of international leaders closer to China whilst boycotted by the American block involving all NATO member countries and Washington itself.

Inevitably this has demarcated and drawn a clear cut line dividing the world nations into Chinese block and the American block.

The world is once again polarized and so are the world economic pursuits and the political stakes of the regional and non-regional players.

The fastidiously sprawling Chinese economy and her mastery in all domains of technology have undoubtedly compelled several nations to join Chinese camp.

The growing interest of developing and the third world nations in connecting with the Chinese economic web has unnerved US that is perceiving it a dangerous perch for her global stakes.

The event of winter Olympics-2022 in Beijing has perhaps provided an open opportunity to China to unveil officially the formation of a parallel world block spearheaded by Beijing.

The world attention is drawn towards leaders attending the opening ceremony and their respective political and economic amplifications derived out of being with China rather than the winter sports event.

While Islamabad remains to be the all weather friend of Beijing that has empowered her with world mega game changer CPEC project in Gawadar and is looking forwards for Chinese cooperation and heavy investment in textile, mining, car manufacturing and agriculture sectors, particularly investment in the development of backward Baluchistan province; Moscow joining the Chinese block along with Tehran is bringing closer to friendly terms, the past belligerent Islamabad and Moscow.

Moscow is ready with a mega gas project for 30 years with Beijing on one side and one of its limbs would connect warm waters in Pakistan on the other side. It is highly likely that Moscow and Islamabad would enter in to a defense deal in near future, though Russia has been able to maintain good enough defense ties with New Delhi.

Obviously the Sino-Russian interests are supposed to be multiple in Taliban governed Afghanistan that would further strengthen the region involving Beijing-Islamabad-Kabul-Central Asia and Moscow. The world analysts believe that the global power of future belongs to Asia.

The most remarkable event of the winter Olympics is the joining of Arab leaders of United Emirates and Saudi Arabia who were welcome and received by none but the President Xi –Ping himself. MBS the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is experiencing odious relations with US since the Joe Biden’s tenure started.

The US has removed its defense facilities including her anti -missile system from Saudi Arabia leaving the Kingdom high and dry.

This has probably paved a way for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to initiate relations with Beijing. Both the monarchs of Saudi Arabia and UAE had continuously been in touch with Islamabad in a hot pursuit for using her influence in arranging berths in Chinese block.

The presence of both the Arab kingdoms in Beijing world winter Olympics might be bringing in to lime light the departure of Middle East Giants from the American influence. Saudi Arabia had earlier joined CPEC in Gawadar with heavy investment of 20 billion dollars in oil refinery.

There are indications that Saudi Arabia is developing her own ballistic missile system with Chinese help secretly. The US–NATO relations have deteriorated further on the question of a possible conflict with Russia on the issue of Ukraine.

The Ukraine stand-off between Russia and the US is about to enter the second month with important US allies like Germany France and Britain back tracking and declining to join US. This has perhaps for the first time exposed the loopholes occurring in the NATO alliance which has added to the Eurasian giant Russia’s might in the Caucasus region.

Even the Ukrainian President has denounced any future war on its soil. On the other side Erdogan decided not to allow US naval ships to pass through the Turkish Bosporus strait in the black sea to reach Ukraine in the wake of an active war.

This has baffled Biden’s plans to cow down Moscow. The consensus of US observers shows a great concern for US as a declining World power.

The formation of QUAD by the US involving Japan, Australia, and Israel for containment of China in East Asia tells yet another story of NATO split where as China has assured Putin of her full support on Ukraine imbroglio.

There are indications that European nations like Germany, France, and Spain along with the Latin American countries like Argentina Brazil and Mexico may join Chinese economic projects somewhere in future.

Interestingly the Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandhi’s volition has unfolded in the Lok Saba that once his party comes to power, India would befriend China and join its trade and economic projects.

It is asserted that the containment of China is becoming an arduous task for US day after day since China is spreading her influence based on economic reconstruction and development of the world nations where as the US does not believe in investment but uses World bank and IMF for the dollar hierarchy.

The US believes in military campaigns and China has economic campaigns. The new decade is going to change drastically the dynamics of world politico-economics and the fact that the era of armed conflicts has lost relevance, as only the economic evolution would sustain and for that reason disastrous weaponry of the world would be forced to be dumped beneath the soil for a better world to thrive.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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