The Seal of the Prophets (SAW)

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According to the Tradition / Hadith of Prophet (SAW), Allah sent 1, 24,000 prophets, and almost a prophet was sent to every civilization in every part of the world. The Holy Quran makes mention of two dozen prophets only. The Prophet of Islam (SAW) is the Seal of the Prophets. He is not the  prophet of his Muslim Ummah only but the  Prophet of whole humanity. And with him the process of prophethood reached its finale as Allah perfected the religion of (Islam) which he preached. Allah says in the Holy Quran,

”Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but       [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah, of all things, Knowing”   (Ayat no, 40 Surah Ahzab)


He will be a witness to all the doings of his Ummah on the Last Day or the Judgment Day of this world. He is a Bringer of Good Tidings and at the same time, a Warner of the Punishment of hell in the life hereafter. Allah says in the Holy Quran

“O, Prophet, indeed, We have sent you as a witness and a Bringer of Good Tidings and Warner”. (Ayat, 45  Surah Ahzab)

The Holy Quran in this Ayat declares the Prophet (SAW) as a (Rahmatun Lil Aalamin) , a  Blessing not only for this world but for all the worlds which Allah has created, hidden from our eyes.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW), was born in Makkah in 571 C.E.  As Muhammad (SAW) grew up, he began to look at men and things around him with a great concern. The society in which he lived was riddled with grave abuses, unethical values that made him uneasy. The Quraish were given to idolatry, and over 360 idols were lodged in the Ka’aba and he (SAW) failed to realize how man-made idols could be expected to do any good to mankind. He (SAW) detested idol worship, and when all people around him took pride in praying to the idols, he (SAW) abstained from such sinful practices.

After making a deep read of the Holy Quran and the life history of Prophet (SAW) and of the universal history, we easily determine in the Holy Prophet of Islam, the greatest man the world has ever produced. The standard of his character is so high and humanely glorious that the brilliance of no character of world history can be compared with his glory. He (SAW) was the quintessence of virtue, the archetype of wisdom and the living example of good demeanor, unquestionably a model of human flawlessness.

He was not only a Prophet; he was a leader of men, teacher, an administrator, a statesman, a ruler, a military commander and a reformer as well. His character was pure and clean. His house, his dress, his food were all characterized by simplicity. He was unassuming; he would even mend his clothes and shoes himself. He visited the sick and provided relief for those in distress. He was accessible to all and was sympathetic, generous and forbearing. He was prominent for his unbeatable will, unbendable determination, indomitable perseverance, unyielding persistency, infinite and terminable patience, calm endurance, fearlessness and courage.

As a ruler and a statesman, he took measures with due judgment and prudence. As a commander he displayed in the field great military skill. He believed strictly in the responsibilities pertaining to the administration of justice. The poorest suitor, however trivial his cause, never failed of a hearing from him. He was very slow to show antipathy towards an enemy and quick to pardon an offender. His generosity of spirit and his insightful knowledge of the humanity conferred upon him the title of being as the supreme leader of men, the saviour of humanity and mercy (Rahmat) for all the worlds.

Thomas Carlyle in his book On Heroes and Hero Worship speaks of the Holy Prophet as ‘a silent great soul, one of that who cannot but be earnest. He was to kindle the world; the world’s Maker had ordered so.

During the itinerary of ages there have been a large number of prophets, but very few out of them were assigned the role of Rasool (Messenger). The Holy Prophet of Islam was both a Prophet and a Rasool (Messenger), and above all he is the Last of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. The message that the Holy Prophet transported to the humanity is known by the broad name of Islam and is enshrined in the “Declaration of Faith” or Shahadah: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (SAW) is his Prophet. “This article of faith is called Kalima Shahadat because its recitation is an evidence of one’s faith in Allah and Prophet. No words are more often uttered by a Muslim than this article of faith. These are the words spoken in the ears of a new born baby, and these are the last words on the lips of a dying Muslim.

With the advent of the Holy month of Rabi al- Awwal, the Muslim brotherhood is busy in celebrating Meelad-un- Nabi; blessing of the Prophets coming to mankind. We the Muslims are really fortunate to have Mohammad (SAW) as our Prophet. The present predicament and misery of the Muslims in the world is the result of estrangement from the teachings of Prophet (SAW). Our horrific deeds and practices have let us down everywhere in the world.

Allah emphasizes upon us to make Islam as our way of life and strive to replace barbarity, tyranny, inequality and injustice with honesty, equality, justice, and good in this world. Before Allah punishes us for the transgression which we have committed, we need to fight for an Islamic way of life and bring into force the commands of the Holy Quran and Sunnah of our Prophet (SAW) into our religious, spiritual, social, political, moral and individual life. The message of our dear Prophet (SAW) is that there is no power excepting the Power of Allah , and before Him we should prostrate.

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