Altaf Bukhari pays glowing tributes to martyrs of 1931

Srinagar: Apni Party (AP) President Syed Muhammad Altaf Bukhari has paid glorious tributes to the martyrs of 1931 on their 91st anniversary, today.

In a statement Bukhari said, “This day reminds us of the sacrifices of our ancestors who laid their lives while fighting the autocracy. Those who were gunned down by the Dogra soldiers wanted democracy here. They fought the rulers because they did not want to live like slaves on their own land. We can never forget the sacrifices of these martyrs. This day is the most significant day in the history of Jammu and Kashmir.”

He added that , “Apni Party upholds the mission of these martyrs even today in terms of our fight for the restoration of democracy and democratic institutions in Jammu and Kashmir.”

The Apni Party leader urged the Union government to restore statehood to J&K as soon as possible. He said, “The restoration of statehood to J&K is of utmost importance because returning the statehood would pave the way for the restoration of all other democratic rights to the people of J&K.”

He said the Apni Party will continue its endeavor to protect the rights of the people and we will not leave any stone unturned to ensure political and economic empowerment of the J&K people.

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