Several Reasi villages reel under darkness

Notwithstanding its tall claims over providing basic amenities to the people living in far-flung areas in district Reasi, several villages in this district are deprived of facilities like electricity.

Inhabitants of several villages of Reasi district including Shikari, Chana, Neeram, Rang Bangla, Shibras, Dewal, Doga, Nihoch, Vandara, Banna B Ward No. 1 and 4, DandaKote, Bagankot, Bagodas Ward No. 4, Hasoot B Ward No.  4 and 1, Banna A, Thiloo, Dubri, Shikari, Sildhar, have lambasted government for failing to provide uninterrupted electricity supply.

According to locals, these areas have not been supplied with electricity yet and people are longing to see light bulbs even in this digital age.

Under the Saubhagya scheme, the government claimed to provide electricity to every household and in 2019 Jammu and Kashmir was awarded for providing 100% electricity under the Sabhagaya scheme but still no electricity has reached these areas.  And the government’s loud claims are hollow.

People say that although electricity poles have been installed in a few areas in the year 2018, they are still waiting for laying of power transmission lines.

Talking to Greater Kashmir, people of Neeram Rang Bangla said that the area is only a few kilometers away from the Mahore headquarters but they are still deprived of facilities like electricity.  The people of Dogga said that the entire panchayat of Dogga is without electricity. They blamed the local leaders and administration officials and said that whenever these people take their problems to a leader or officer, they are given false assurances.  Nothing is achieved.

BDC Chairman, Chassana Abdul Razaq and DDC Chairman Mahore A. Muhammad Israel while talking to Greater Kashmir confirmed that many villages in their constituencies are without electricity. 

People say that without electricity, it is having a bad effect on children’s education. People said that it is surprising that Reasi district has its own power project called Salal Power Project and power project in its district.  Despite this, these people are without electricity.

Locals have demanded the government to provide electricity in these areas.

Regarding the Salal Power Project, when the representative spoke to the Public Relations Officer of NHPC, S R Gupta, he gave details and said that this project provides electricity to 9 states and UTs of the country including Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh. Rajasthan, Delhi, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir. In this regard, when Greater Kashmir spoke to XEN PDD ReasiSatpal Sharma, he said that there are many areas of Reasi which have remained under the Sabhagaya scheme. He said that some work on the Sabhagaya scheme is still pending.  He said that electricity would be provided in these areas very soon.

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