Editorial | Just junk it

It is a human experience that we are what we eat. If medical science is to guide us on this, the growth and development of our body depends largely on the kind of food we take. It is a common finding that most modern diseases are related to food habits and life style. That is why there is a renewed emphasis on quality diet, and change in lifestyle. But unfortunately we don’t seem to care about this, and the results are in front of us.  In Kashmir we have come across many ailments that are associated with changing food habits. In this the most disturbing trend is the consumption of junk food by our little ones. In a glamorous world of advertising the junk food is presented in such attractive ways, and the same items are displayed in such pleasing ways on the stores, that one can hardly resist the temptation. 

But parents need to get very serious about this matter as the findings show that many diseases in children are because of consuming the junk food. A recent study has even shown that some kidney ailments have been seen in kids that are actually caused by the junk food. The question is that if this junk food is so harmful, why shouldn’t there be a campaign to sensitise people about it, and save our kids from the pernicious effects of these items. It is an imperative for the concerned government departments to chip in and ensure that the health of children is not damaged. We have often seen that in the vicinity of our schools there are shopkeepers who sell junk food, and that too of very low quality. There must be some effort to ensure that the quality of food items sold on these shops is checked. Similarly, the  schools should also undertake sensitisation campaigns to educate the students and their parents about the harmful effects of the jink food. If timely measures are taken, it can save our young generation from future complications of health.


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