BGSBU employees protest over delay in release of salaries

Rajouri,  Jan 21: A protest bu the  employees of teaching fraternity supported by non teaching fraternity  erupted in Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University of Rajouri  in front of Vice Chancellor’s secretariat as the employees protested over delay in fulfillment of their demands. They said that their salaries are also pending from last three months.

These employees are daily assembling outside VC secretariat in evening hours since 16 January and holding a peaceful protest in favour of their demands.

The deadlock however is persisting as no direct talks have  been so far  held between protesting employees and university administration and employees are alleging that some people close to VC secretariat are trying to misrepresent the situation and are making things difficult.

Pleading anonymity, the university employees informed that they are raising their genuine demands that include Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) for teachers, proper grade for lecturers and their promotion policy and promotion policy for non teaching staff, immediate removal of retired personnel holding administrative posts in violation of norms, reshuffling of administrative positions, construction of buildings which are already sanctioned by Government, appointment of vacant administrative positions and disposal of the case of a professor who is under suspension for last two years.

Alongside it, employees both from teaching and non teaching side, are enraged over non payment of salaries from last three years due to delay in generation of CPIS codes which they mentioned as a fault of university administration.

“We will continue our peaceful protest outside VC secretariat every evening till our genuine demands are fulfilled,” these employees communicated to university administration in a written memorandum that also enlists demands put forth by them.

These employees pleading anonymity said that sanctioned projects worth crores are yet to start while there is need to have an audit and special promotion must be given to some employees.

“We are categorising our agitation as ‘Save BGSBU’ and it will continue till our demands are met,” they said.

Vice Chancellor of BGSB University, Prof. Akbar Masood, in reply  to the query regarding non payment of salaries said that “university administration is on it.”

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