Bracing for the future challenge

After turning almost everything upside down, and causing heavy loss to life, the second wave of this pandemic has significantly broken down. The number of cases that are daily reported has come down compared to the figures we had some weeks back. Although the loss of life is still in double digit, and every single life matters, but this too has come down drastically from what it used to be some weeks back. Cumulatively the lock down and other measures taken by the government have worked, and we are having some relief in terms of the devastation caused by the pandemic during peak of the second wave. The restrictions in place during a lockdown are also getting relaxed, though it is still the business class that is getting affected. Nevertheless, it is prudent not to open everything at a go. The incremental way of relaxing the lockdown is always better. And that is what the government is doing. Meanwhile the expert opinion, as expressed by one of the valley’s reputed cardiologists, that a third wave cannot be ruled out, is to be factored in. The administration also seems to be well aware of the same, and the sense is that the government is thinking of upgrading the capacities to fight any eventuality in future. This looks like a wise plan to combat this covid pandemic. On the one hand there is need to take measures so that there is no sudden opening up of the public spaces. The incremental opening up of the market spaces points towards that. Similarly the infrastructure for the covid care has to be upgraded at a fast pace during the time when we have lower number of positive cases. One significant thing that needs attention this time is to unburden the valley’s regular hospitals. For many months now these hospitals have remained busy with treating covid patients. This has adversely impacted the regular services offered by these hospitals. If there is some respite in the cases, the government needs to build new structures for managing any future surge in covid cases. That would go a long way in dealing with this pandemic, in case it prolongs.

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