Why Being a Good Reader is Imperative?

If I had the privilege to introduce a subject in schools, colleges and universities, it would be “The art of reading books”. Reading is not just a process of absorbing letters and dancing lips instead it refines our senses, empowers us to think, retrospect, acknowledge things, to let go emotions, make sense of living and above all teaches us the real purpose of existence. Reading with passion and pleasure has been related to the expansion of cognitive progress in diverse patterns of life that includes stress management, memory boost and imagination. Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. Someone rightly said, “The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go.”

Reader, who is committed to the end, not only relishes books for the purpose of knowledge and cognizance but it is one’s own sweet time – the sort of element that one can sanctify while dinner is stewing, pressing cheeks with back of the pen, making pouts as if casting a couch while lounging in a chair like a child. Good book planks you down to the journey and lets the reader perceive, fancy and envision himself/herself in between the lines with everyone figuring their own path. The writer communicates, the reader harkens and in the voyage you accomplish peace of mind and earn wings to bend the throttle as if you are endowed with a portable magic. Considerable number of books are undeniably awe-inspiring – a fictional narrative may reflect imagination by twirling around the existence of monsters yet they infuse shot into our senses that monsters can be overpowered. This doesn’t stand true for the one genre rather a testimonial reverence for other books like autobiographies, historical nonfiction, memoirs, poetry collections, science books, religious books and so on. An exceptional book makes you impatient and flares up the impulse to read acutely. Books indeed offer a gateway to the world that may be absolute or fantasy, domestic or wild, natural or artificial, unique or usual. Readers find the way to walk through or take a flight of fancy just to settle down in the world which the author has created. This transforms exuberance into experience producing an in-depth contemplative attitude which enables us to introspect and retrospect over and again about the larger human experience and inculcates a stamp of self-effacing demeanor. Thus a reader often seeks his/her world in the books. John Green rightly said, “Books are the ultimate dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.”

No one is a born reader. Readers are raised. There is no denying to the significance and gravity of reading in life yet this virtue seems by and large a distant dream. Reading doesn’t offer us an instant outcome, each book that is read is an investment to life itself for the long run. From the minute you’re expecting your child, you are flooded with the notes about the values of reading and reasonably so – child development by book reading is a well-proven fact. Raising a good reader may be not a cake-walk but it is rewarding, productive and profitable investment. If you have laid off books and sacked reading from yourself, bring it back. It is imperative to be a reader if you want to produce one. It is not just the images from the books that fascinate the child-the twisted letters, the fair figures, swirled symbols, each tint is a guiding effort for you and everyone around you be it a minor or an elder. When you read a dystopian novel, a cookbook, a parenting manual or anything to a child, the matter doesn’t matter. What matters is the cadence and voice. Several researches have shown that there are direct markers on the language of a child to which he/she has been exposed to. It is unimaginable to augment the influence of reading on a human being particularly a child. This is what shapes the intellect, mentors emotional well-being, counsels social scheme. What you read or what they read, they absorb the things- colors, shapes, numbers, language, vocabulary, manners. However, the two important aspects in the journey are the pace and the taste. The more delightful reading is, the more rewarding it can be. If a book or a certain content is irritating, avoid it. Half a page a day may be more effective than half a book a day. Maintain your pace and don’t run for the finish. Those who run with the words are famous for building castles in the air than a pyramid of few thoughts. While dealing with a child, what may surprise you is the taste. Allow the children to dive into the books that fascinate them, they prefer to peep into the books that are fuzzy on outside, but a good child book is designed as such-they may look frizzy on outer side, but inside they are symbolic, full of life lessons and that is how an encapsulation of reading is built. Don’t load them with what you like, let them control the pace, enjoy the taste, scribble a lot and allow the motor nerves run accordingly.

Atif Khurshid Waniis a Research Scholar, Lovely Professional University

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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