Environment Speaks Up!

Dear Humans!

5th June has arrived. It is my day – World Environment Day. On the one hand you have pushed me in a state of adversity, and simultaneously you celebrate my anniversary. Your dual and cruel ways are your new hallmark. Aghast and agitated by the show of speeches and cosmetic events, I am compelled to voice out my inner feelings. I remained a passive audience so far. Let me hold the dice to address you. Bear with me to share my thoughts. Let me speak today- boldly and bluntly.

In my lap, I cradle all creatures with care and commitment. As a respectable creature bestowed with intelligence and etiquettes, you enjoyed special place and priority. I kept all my resources available for your needs. I extended my fullest generosity and hospitality to host you, to make your stay and sustenance comfortable. I sufficed your hunger. I quenched your thirst. I provided you the shelter. I supplied you the vital oxygen to breathe.

I handed over you every treasure and trusted you for being human. The adjective of mankind softened my stance for your well being. I anticipated you to live harmoniously along with other fellow creatures. Entrusted and empowered you with leadership on the planet for your progress and prosperity. I gave you access to know my secrets for your advantage. As a beloved being, I remained courteous and cordial.

Alas! You misunderstood and misinterpreted my modesty. You avariciously accelerated in your devil designs. You openly targeted and tarnished my treasures with brute meanness and madness. I choked for breath. Your greed superseded your need. You deceived me and stabbed me from all sides.

I am naturally universal and international. I see 5th June – a single day in my regard a miniscule token of tribute. I never demanded to be commemorated. I exist every day. I live everywhere. I am needed by everyone.

You have set 5th June as an alarm for your own reminder to realise my existence for your survival. If you approach with aggression, don’t expect me to garland you with floral welcome. Mistakes are human. Forgiveness is divine. I ignored your wrong doings for a long with this faith that you will back out someday and reset the manual apparatus of your selfish approach and attitude. But as time passed by, your cunningness cemented and you dodged me deceitfully. I find reflections of your polluted mind all around. You behaved like a dictator. You forgot the facts.

You claimed mastery to reign over my matters. You blindly bossed like a businessman to boost your benefits. You trampled over and trespassed all norms of nature. I tolerated your madness for time being. I showed you some signs of your stupidity. But your inflated ego overlooked them with rudeness. The transition from human being to a super-being led you to astray. You lost the sight to see properly. You turned deaf to my sobs and sighs that tortured my soul emanating from your sabotaging actions.

Finally when you crossed the limits, I got forced to teach you the lessons. You polluted my air, I choked you for breath. You exploited my resources. I left you bankrupt. You mis-adventured with greed. I fiddled with your need. You threatened the existence of other creatures but miserably ended up begging for your own survival. You are yourself the biggest threat for your own lives.

When your own wrongdoings suffocated you from inside, you cried foul. You degraded and devalued me. You uninterruptedly went on with excessive exploitation. You forgot the forbidden frontiers. You intruded and invaded the greenery and scenery with disdain and destruction. You turned your habitat into a hell with your own mis-handlings.

Shun your show of hypocrisy. Desist from the double standards. Go back to your basics. 5th June is just a single day in a year. Your dealings and doings in the rest of year is your reality. You ensure sensibility. I guarantee your survival.

I don’t sermon and summon. I warn you. Just sensitize and shake your conscience. I have plenty for your need but I am too poor for your greed. Oh, Crown of Creation ! Act sensibly. Being callous and careless will ruthlessly lead you to deprivation and devastation. Live in harmony with the fellow creatures. Make judicious use of my resources. While you rejoice your today in my lap, don’t forget and compromise with the needs of your future generation. Be eco-friendly in real sense. I am for you and at your service forever.

Wishing your survival.

The Environment.

The author is Assistant Professor ( Education) at South Campus University of Kashmir .

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